Thursday, August 25, 2016

UGH ... the dentist.

I have a dentist appointment today.  Thanks to a sensitive snaggle tooth - I HATE going!  Because I hate it so much, I go every 3 months so it's not as bad.  And, apparently, I just "naturally" build excess tartar.  (One of my many talents.)  Every time the appointment comes I fantasize about canceling it (there's no cancelation fees) but I don't.  Once I had strep and had to cancel ... I was actually excited to have strep ... yep - still and forever crazy.

Dog has his post-op appointment today too.  Tumor came back benign ... AWESOME!!!  (Can't believe I forgot to write about that yesterday.)

So all my stressors are quashed.  Gave notice at work.  Dog will be fine.  Hubby's lung "spots" are nothing more than markers on the lung (misread by primary).  All is well in my world again.  My tribe is happy, safe and sound ... and that make for a HAPPY ME!!  Breathe ...

Chapter 2 of THP ... great ideas.  Some I already do, some I can still improve on.
Pretend to have energy.
Get through tasks you've been putting off.

I'm already working (and mastering ... for now) my sleep.
I'm reasonably organized, but I do have some projects once work is through.
Pretending to have energy falls in line with Tony Robbins.  Change your physical state and everything will follow.  It works.
I usually get through my "unwanted" tasks because I hate them lingering.  That said, I have two I need to do this week.  (Cable company problems - goodbye hours of my day lol ... and canceling an automatic order.)  I'll do cancelation today, but cable company will have to wait until I have a block of time.

I don't expect to follow her path step by step ... and I'm not doing the "monthly" time table, but I do like trying her ideas.  I'll be tweaking my own list after work is finished ... creating my own HAPPINESS PROJECT.

I have a hair appointment Monday - yea - goodbye gray.  My hair is really long right now (for me) ... down passed my collar bone.  Really doesn't matter ... I put it up EVERY DAY ... same, same ... boring ... but not horrible looking.  I don't like the feel of hair on my neck and I have curly, frizzy, fine hair that becomes a mess in the humidity.  Before our move to the south, my hair was always short-ish.  I liked it.  I miss it.  But I need to manage the frizz in our summer weather.  I was actually thinking about going shorter for winter ... short enough that I can't pull it up ... then I got caught in the rain yesterday.  My hair was good.  My girlfriend did not fair as well (she has beautiful hair but also curly ... the rain was too much.)  A trim it is ...

I still feel a little run-down this morning.  I slept well ... added an avocado (might be low on fat consumption) ... don't know what else to do.  I wonder if I have some allergies acting up (my nose is running a lot and my throat is mildly sore - not enough to get me out of my dentist appointment - believe me I thought of that lol).  Maybe I'm just old!!  Or maybe I need more full rest days (from workouts).  I'll play around with it.

Okay folks.  Time for my class and then a rush to the dentist.  Wish me luck.  By 12:15 my dentist woes will be over for three months (unless my "watch" spot is a cavity ... oh lordy please no.)

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