Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Evening Update.

Well, I think it's good news for the "am I sick" question ... nope.  I feel fine now.  Fingers still crossed just in case that's the reason I dodged the bullet lol.

My exercise class was interesting.  It's like a speed yoga with weights.  The idea is to add some cardio element to yoga with extra strength training.  It gave me some yoga-time.  I joined a yoga studio to do yoga and I do everything but yoga.  So for that reason, I liked it.  It's a good filler class when I'm in the mood.

Eating was fabulous today (if I do say so myself).  Cooked lots of veggies up so made for delicious dinner and probably just as good of a lunch tomorrow.  Out to eat with a totally compliant salmon salad for lunch today.

(Extra impressive since I'm really stressed about my sweet boy.  He came home from groomers - looking gorgeous - but then started limping this afternoon.  I'm really worried about him.  Trying not to give my "worry" too much power, so I'll keep this short.  I love this dog.  Enough said for now.)

My knee is really improving.  Woohoo - some good progress.  I could sit "pretzel-leg" in class today and bend it all the way back.  Fighting the good fight on this one.

It's going to be hard to fall asleep tonight.  Way too much running through my mind.  I was tempted to take a benadryl, but resisted.  I need to work on some meditation techniques or do some sheep counting.  Usually by now, I'm barely keeping my eyes open.  I'm wide awake tonight.

See you all in the morning.

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