Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Hump Day

Oh goodness ... I might be getting sick.  "Everyone" at work is hacking, complaining, sneezing ... all over everything.  They got sick over the weekend.  It started last night for me and continues this morning.  Maybe allergies??  Maybe run-down??

It's the back-to-school cold.

Please, please, pretty please - not another cold.  What is wrong with my old body?

I have proudly been on no meds (i.e. cold, advil, benadryl) for over a month.  I was popping them like candy during the "sick" run I had the month before.  I'm no martyr.  If I have a cold, I WILL take cold meds (not that that's the end of the world, I just liked the pure thoughts of pill free ... and I love a streak lol).

In my eating world ...
I didn't go to GNI.  Got home too late - decision made for me.  But I was tired, feeling yucky, moody etc.  Boy that open bottle of wine was calling to me.  Fortunately, there was no way I was missing GNI just to drink at home.  So ate some peaches (hello sweet), dinner and headed to bed.  Fell asleep long and hard.  I hope my pissy mood yesterday means I get my "visitor" today.  I'm ready to get through this month.

In my work world ...
My resignation is going to be a really big deal since we have such a big nursing shortage.  My boss chatted with me yesterday (just about how hard this time is) and OMG this is going to piss her off.  And I'm really stressed about it.  I hate keeping this secret, but I selfishly don't want to give so much notice - I think know work will suck once I give notice.  I don't have it in me to give 7 weeks.  On the other hand, the department is dragging it's feet on getting a traveler ... that would help significantly.

Busy day today.  Hopefully, fun too.

Taking a new class at the yoga studio.  All over, combo workout.  Have no idea what to expect so it's exciting.
Pup to the groomer.
Out to lunch with a friend.
Quick trip to the grocery store.

My back is feeling pretty good.  Just gives some occasional grief.
My knee is feeling the best it has in awhile.  I can go down the stairs nicely now - just a little pain.  Up the stairs is still a bit dicey but improved.

Okay folks (I'd about die if there was actually a "folk") ... have a good Wednesday!

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