I'm in a "monthly" mood - even though I boasted (just yesterday morning) how stable my mood is on Whole30. Oh Universe ... you love to taunt me.
Just mega grumpy. Wanted to go ape-shit on a tea bag that wouldn't open this morning. Yesterday, I ocellated between sad and grumpy. I have A LOT on my mind this week and I guess add PMS and not even W30 can overcome it.
Maybe a run with INCANTATIONS (umm ... happy ones) will help. And a mental reminder I'M NOT ON CALL!!! The week after call ends is glorious - just feels so good to not have call lingering. We all go through post-call euphoria - it's amazing lol!
So good in fact, I want to give immediate notice at work so I won't have to do another call. But I shouldn't make a rash decision. Remember the plan.
GNI doesn't seem likely tonight. I feel a bit blah (monthly love) and need that extra sleep. Up early Wednesday with a really busy day. I have such mixed feeling about it. One one hand, I want to go - see the girls, catch up, laugh, have some fun. On the other hand, I will be TIRED (and still have to shower and hair again), won't get enough sleep, don't want to eat/drink junk (temptation will be strong with PMS) and I'm in a crappy mood. I'll still plan to see how I feel tonight.
I want to be a "yes" person, but still cautious on feeling good, not overdoing, not getting run-down. My (almost healed) cold sore is a reminder I'm still struggling.
It's only Tuesday, but I'm looking forward to the weekend. We'll have some news about puppy (he'll, hopefully, be recovering well) ... I can relax and just have some me time. I think Saturday will be a Netflix marathon, PJ's most of the day kind of day. Sunday I go to see youngest at his new townhouse (looking forward to it!!).
Okay dokey. Run time ... I'm braving the outside world again.
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