Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Farmers Market

Today is a trip to a HUGE Farmers Market and lunch in a cute town.  Super excited to see it (I've never been).  This is a day with my drinking buddy - the one I crave alcohol after seeing lol - guess we've just had too many fun nights together.  I bet I'll crave some tonight.

Speaking of cravings ... had an unexpected rough afternoon in the craving department.  Regular breakfast, tabata, lunch (grilled chicken salad with olives and veggies) - home mid afternoon and wanted to throw in the towel and eat the pantry.

I was actually hungry (even though lunch was just a few hours earlier) so I decided maybe I didn't eat enough.  I fixed a VERY early dinner (second lunch) of meatballs and cauliflower (at 3:30!!!) instead of snacking.  That did the trick.   Felt fine after.  Around 6pm I had a small mini-meal.  Crisis averted.

Here's what made me proud:

I sliced a peach - it was a bit grainy.  Not horrible, but not "delicious" so I threw it out.
Listened to my body and fed it with real food - not snacks - even though it wasn't the "right" time to eat again.
Lived with the cravings.  I'll probably never be craving-free, but I don't have to be ... all I need to do is not give-in, not give-up ... acknowledge the "why" and deal with it.

Good win yesterday.

Tabata was good (but Tuesdays are leg days - I need arms!).  So many workouts focus on the legs.  I need more arms and more rest for my legs.  Once I stop work, I'll have a better workout balance.  That said, today is a leg rest day (light walk on the treadmill) and some arms.  Easy, breezy day.  Love these "active" rest days.  It's a new thing in my workout rotation.

After 20+ years of the same, same, same (i.e. running) it time to change things up for the next stage of my life.  Muscle mass, strength, balance, agility and flexibility need to step up.  My instructor told me yesterday my posture is improving (not a huge thing per se, but I'll take it!!) and she doesn't compliment just to say something (so there lol!).

Tonight will be the final episode and a half of Stranger Things (love it!!) and some time reading The Happiness Project.  Hubby was home last night and we stayed up talking, so haven't done any reading.  I'm excited to get to that book!

More on our talk later ... did some trip and activity planning ... yea!!  MHP is beginning!

Time to get it going.  Later gators.

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