Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Cable Guy.

Woke up early - good since it's cable guy day.  Need to be ready.  And by ready I mean trip to Starbucks.

Still had an upset stomach last night- taking a break from fish oil for a couple of days.  I feel a bit more "settled" this morning.

Today is active leg rest day - my new favorite day lol.  Walk on the treadmill followed by arms.  Easy, quick, relaxing.  I need to start walking the dog again.  Mornings are cooler and he is feeling much better.  Not this week though - too busy - sorry pup.

Once I leave work and can take all the workout classes I'd like, I have to work out a new schedule.  It's hard to fit in my runs (2 days) and rest days AND my classes.  I'll need to give it some thought.

Quick hello this morning.  Need to get moving (to probably wait hours for the cable guy lol) but Starbucks is a must today!

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