My lip IS healing, but you'd never know from looking at it. It's HUGE, UGLY and a multi-colored mountain sitting for the world to see. I'm not a tremendously vain person ... but this is disgusting. Lord I hope it's better looking by work on Friday. My new work nickname is "Herps" ... can't get away with anything with this bunch lol! And I hope this is not a new, regular "thing" to deal with ... ugh.
Speaking of growths ... vet this morning with the pup. I hope it's just his normal lumpy bumpies. Gosh I adore him. If all goes well AND weather cooperates ... dog swim at the lake. Talk about JOY! He is so happy (and so am I). Loves to swim, loves to play ... nice and cool in the heat. But I think thunderstorms are threatening (need to check hourly forecast this am).
Now speaking of weather ... cooler temps this week, but the humidity amped up. Didn't think that was possible. No relief ... actually feels worse! Fall cannot come fast enough (for lots of reasons).
This morning I'm no worse for wear over fruit-gate yesterday. That's the beauty of W30 ... good food is forgiving. Back to "normal" intake today. No fruit though. Fruit needs to be a treat for me or just part of a recipe.
Craving is gone ... got satisfied by all that goodness yesterday. That's the difference between craving real food vs junk food. Real food cravings can be satisfied. Junk food cravings just grow.
Today's workout is one of my new favorites. Leg REST day. Walk a couple of miles on the treadmill enjoying great music (maybe some incantations). Then tabata arms (abs too if my back feels okay). Both my back and knee are improving A LOT! Now just to keep it going.
Rest of today is up in the air. If the swim is not in the cards, then probably some errands. My eldest's girlfriend arrives Friday and I want to have some goodies and dinners for them. This marks the last of the FAMILY cooking for the summer. YES!!! As I've said before ... cooking W30 AND cooking for a family is a lot of cooking for me. I really can't image having a big family. It will be a nice break.
Time to hit the workout. Later gators.
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