Slept well (other than the freakishly loud amber alert on my phone at 2am). Up before my alarm (thank you Whole30).
Practically nothing on the agenda today. I probably will have a call-back today. Might run to the grocery store later. No workout ... but always time for Starbucks! Just waiting on the pup to wake up to go (he LOVES riding in the car to get coffee ... that's the buzz word ... go get COFFEE!!).
My cold sore is still lingering. I might have been too aggressive scraping off the crusty bits (gross, I know). So I'm leaving it alone today. I'm paranoid I'll have another eruption.
Whole30 is rocking along. My official last day is tomorrow. I have no immediate plans to stop. Really "working" the lifestyle angle this time. Must be really worth it. (And I'm a little "scared" to go off it - it's happened before.)
I realize what I like most about W30 this time is that I get up in the morning with NO REGRETS. I don't "wish" I hadn't eaten _______. I don't feel compelled to exercise off what I ate. I don't mentally trash myself and make promises I probably won't keep later. PRICELESS feeling!
It's so PEACEFUL! That's why I don't want to go off yet. I LOVE my quiet, peaceful mind.
I have a GNI group on Tuesday but it's after work - so hit or miss getting there. If I didn't have to shower and get ready, it would be a lot easier to make it. And I get up at 3:30 (3:25 to be exact) and by 8 or 9 I'm bushed. I don't plan to eat off plan or drink. She's serving pasta, but I'll just eat before I go. No alcohol and driving (especially being tired). She's one of three people who live outside the neighborhood - which makes it a bit more difficult to muster the energy to go. But she's one of my very good friends. It will just depend on work. Letting the cards fall where they will.
I hear my puppy getting up. Time for Starbucks!! Woot woot!!
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