Sunday, August 7, 2016

Quick Hello.

People stirring upstairs.  I slept in.  Felt great - but hell on my back to be in bed that long.

I might be starting a cold sore on my lip - UGH!!  I'm watching it like a hawk.  I haven't had one in years and years.  Ugly and painful.  My body is still stressing and healing I guess.

I remembered I need to get a special treat for a friend's birthday at work tomorrow.  So off to the bakery today.


Found the "edit" button.

I'm back!  Hubby taking pup for a walk.  His cut is good, but it's a tumor in his mouth.  I'm worried about my sweet boy.

Thought I had "nothing" to do today, but I have a list of less than fun stuff to get done.  Payments for kids semesters, apartments, etc. ... grocery store after all (why I'm surprised I don't know) ... blah, blah, blah.

I think I need some incantations for my workout today.  Keep me at HAPPY ME.

I'm still "counting" the 30 days in my Whole30 head but I really want to make this a lifestyle.  I know ... you've heard it before.  I found God - it changed my life  - I will NEVER do ____ again.  I'm not so naive to think that (feels like a rookie mistake to me) but I need to see this as something other than 30 days.

I have a smidge bit of Whole30 fatigue right now.
I'm sick of cooking (but it should get easier when kids are gone and it's just the 2 of us ... que that song!).
I want to socialize with some alcohol.  I do and I don't.  I want the "fun" feeling, but I don't want to lose the healthy feeling.  My cake and eat it too.

I'm struggling with FOREVER in my head.  It should be FOREVER, but NOT ALWAYS.  But when is it okay?  I've gone through some big social events last couple of weeks without alcohol, staying on program and been great for it.  So when do I "need" to go off program.  When "should" I go off program.  Once I go off, it will be harder to say no (streak done).  Slippery slope.

I am curious to see what happens if I just live this lifestyle for a few months.  What will my body and mind do?

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