Wednesday, August 3, 2016

End of Work Week (Second Week in A Row!)

Very usual that I have two back-to-back Fridays off.  Today is my last work day of the week again.  I'll take it. (Especially since I'm on-call next weekend.)

I've been filling up my dance card over the last couple of days.  Lots of fun stuff on my days off.  I needed to get back into the social groove of my life.  Life is better with friends!

My stomach is bugging me again.  Bloated, gassy (the usual).  I haven't been taking my digestive enzymes.  Probably should start again.

My maintenance list is growing longer and longer.  Enzymes, fish oil, vitamins, collagen, eyelash grower, nail appt, hair appt, massage, Yoga studio.  I'm getting expensive in my old age.  I really try to do what is necessary (not that nails are - but I consider it a work need lol!) and not get caught up in taking stuff that's part of the latest fad.

Switching gears - got new panties from Gap Body.  They are designed for workouts (quick dry).  Love them.  So comfy and cute boy shorts (my favorite style).  Wish I picked up more during the sale (just got 3 to try).

Would like to take a minute to toot my own horn.  I've been committed to feeling better and I'm really sticking with it.  Also pleased how I'm handling the ups and downs.  I can get frustrated by stuff pretty easily, but I'm taking it in stride.  Looking at the long haul picture.  (I'm an immediate results kind of girl.)  Tabata not the answer this month ... plan B instead.  That kind of thing.

Okay it's run time.

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