Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Starbucks Nitro

I read an article months ago about the new Starbucks Nitro coffee coming end of summer to select Starbucks.  To say I'm excited is an understatement.  I've been stalking info about it ever since. I actually want to do a whole girls coffee outing to try it. (Only downside is it's caffeinated but one won't kill me!).

Problem though.  Starbucks is being very quiet about which locations.  Even about what cities.  It's not my little itty bitty Starbucks. But there is a Starbucks not far - considered an "evening" location (meaning it has wine, small plates, etc.)  I have hope they might be previewing.  They previewed the "evening" stuff really early on.

Fun fact - first Starbucks I visited in Atlanta while house shopping.
Fun fact - also happens to be in the plaza where Sprouts is located (where I get my decaf blends).

I'm almost out of coffee so Sprouts run today.  I'm going to stop in Starbucks and ask about Nitro.  Please, please, please!!!  Yoga is about 1/2 way to the plaza so I'll go right after.  That will be my "adventure" today.

(Car can still wait a little ... I'll call today though.)

I was just going to say how happy I am that I DON'T need to go to the grocery store today ... as I just said I'm going to Sprouts.  I'm not counting Sprouts lol!!  It's just a fun grocery store.  Between Whole30 and feeding a family of boys men grocery store all I do some weeks.

An interesting Whole30 aside.  One of the benefits of the program (as the founders claim) is that you regulate your hunger hormones and hunger comes and goes as it should.  I really notice that this time.  Not hungry between meals - then suddenly hungry.  Hungry in the morning.  Less hungry at night (even though I've had some hunger at bedtime).  My dinner meal is getting smaller as my lunch gets bigger.  The way it should be.  When I'm eating like crap, I can go most of the day without eating and then huge calorie binge in late afternoon/evening.  Then the cycle repeats.  Not good.

Okay folks.  Off to start my day.  Come on Starbucks don't leave me hanging!

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