Monday, September 30, 2019

Good Morning

Monday morning ... I decided last night to sleep in this morning.  Woke up, didn't look at the clock and fell back to sleep.  I woke up again ... time to get up.  Well rested.  Wide awake.

It was 4:58.

I'm so dang excited.  Maybe, possibly, finally, my body adjusted to a 5 o'clock wake up.

This heat thing is real.  I felt like poop all day yesterday from being outside the ENTIRE day Saturday.  The temps for the week -- 92, 90, 92, 95, 91.  They NEVER get lowered.  I bet at least 2 of the days end up hotter.  Atlanta, I'm totally pissed.

I went to the Course in Miracles class and it was great.  Thoughtful discussions with different opinions -- respectful, genuine.  Being able to disagree without arguing.  The conversation is interesting, but not upsetting.  Super diverse group of people spanning all the things -- age, religion, lifestyle, race, gender, politics.  It's a big group with a history of 30 years.  I'm bummed I'll miss next week.

Watched football.  Won my game for the eliminator pool.  Only 2 of us left and my eldest needs the Steelers to win tonight.  Fingers crossed, no whammies, big bucks coming my way.  (I probably just jinxed it.)  If I win, I will gloat.  Everyone made fun of my picks and the haters can watch me spend my money - hahahaha.  It's a pot of $100 (with pay in of $20) and, of course, I'll spend it on a family fun OR buy a mansion, give to charity and build a library.  Things like that.

This week is some down time from people social activity.  I have a few things on the calendar, but a decent amount of white space (I still keep a written calendar).  It'll fill up with some chore stuff (car appointment, groomer appointments), but nothing major.  Trying to balance the VARIETY with the CERTAINTY and visa versa.  It's challenging for me.

Road trip to Chattanooga this weekend for a wine and blue grass festive.  My cousin is hosting her mom, me and my DIL.  Lots of social time -- can't wait, but I need to be ready or it will be overwhelming.

I'm learning to schedule time for myself and hold firm.  I bump ME while thinking ... oh, tomorrow I'll get some time.  That's when things get messy.

For example, my bff had a birthday yesterday.  I sent a package, Facebook post and left her a voicemail.  We talked last week ahead of her birthday.  This morning she has a couple hour drive in the car and texted me last night that she'll call me this morning to tell me about her birthday.  I love chatting with her, and "old" me would have bumped my morning to accommodate her schedule because it was her birthday yesterday.  I have early lunch plans with another friend so my morning time isn't adjustable today.  If I can chat, I will -- gladly.  But, I think she has an early ride so it probably won't coordinate.  I need ME time after a big weekend.  It seems so little, but it makes a big difference in my day.  I need a comfortably paced morning taking the time to do The Things fully.  No rushing, no pressure.  That said, I hope it works out to talk.  If not, we can plan another time.

I posted this with her birthday wishes yesterday.  Later gators.

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