Here we are again ... out of BALANCE. At least a little. The full calendar is peaking on Saturday with a full day of hard volunteering for Releash. What started as an easy "yes" grew to a big old pain in the ass -- it's a fact of volunteering when you volunteer to be in CHARGE of something. All the crap starts and stops with you.
Good news is this one and done. I'll never say okay to this again (I agreed before I started better boundaries). Bad news is I still need to get through the day. 12 hours of physical volunteering in 90 degree weather.
I'm going to be exhausted yet we are STILL hosting football Sunday. I want to go to the Course in Miracles Sunday morning because that's the only thing on the calendar for ME, but I'm having to fight for that time. (We need to return the Releash van to the city that morning and I need to get food ready for the games.)
Holding firm is tiring. I'm tired. Lots of fun. Lots of the stuff I want in my day, but that endurance thing is kicking my butt. I'm quickly fading to annoyed about everything.
Funny how I get annoyed about lots of things and SUDDENLY there are lots of things to be annoyed about -- you see what you create in your mind.
I woke up in a mood and I'll do the things to try and change this up. Workout, meditation, grateful journal. It's going to be hard to hold on to a better feeling though. I can also choose to accept the annoyance and go with that -- negative is part of life. It's confusing.
Doesn't help that my partner in crime for Saturday is also annoyed about it -- we're feeding off each other. Since hubby's annoyed too, he's picking on everything. Going negative about everything. I don't think he realizes he's doing it. He's looking at this as a favor to me -- like I owe him -- ugh.
Add to this -- "everyone" is having such a fun time. It's fall break and people are on vacation (part of the reason I'm left with so much volunteer crap). Life is beautiful and going so nicely for everyone who is passively letting life happen.
That's what my brain is telling me. Of course, I know that's not true, but it's sure my perspective this morning. I'm doing SO MUCH WORK while the world coasts into blissful joy.
Okay -- RANT OVER. Guess what my coaching session is about on Wednesday? On the bright side, I have something to talk about again - hah.
Returning to TODAY -- I'm getting filler under the old eyes again. I took before/after pictures last time, but you can't really see it with the camera flash. It didn't change anything dramatically, but I noticed a difference with the dark circles under my eye. I look tired again. It lasts a year -- it's been a year. It gives me a refreshed look and, boy oh boy, can I use that coming up.
I almost rescheduled because of all-the-things (it's a long drive into the city), but I'm not taking MYSELF off of my calendar.
Lordy, I can't wait until Monday. Somehow I think I'm missing a point, but I'm trying my best. Happy weekend -- wishing for a surprisingly peaceful one for us all. If only wishing were enough LOL. Later gators.
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