Thursday, September 26, 2019

Fainting Goat Vineyards (Pictures)

We picked 2 kinds of grapes.
Both for reds.


And so HARD!  Holy moly -- respect for people who do this on the regular.  Back breaking!  Up, down, reaching, walking up a mountain.  My legs, back and arms were so tired.  Over 4 hours of harvesting.  Carrying buckets of grapes.  The grapes grow at all heights -- big bunches low, but lots of little ones high up.  Some grow around the wire and it takes forever to clip them off.  The only instruction was no leaves in the bucket.  It was more simple than I thought, but WAY WAY more physical.

The land was picture perfect.  Everyone was friendly and having a great time.  Lunch was good -- cheese, wine and Italian catered.  Not perfect for me, but good enough.  We sat under tents at pretty tables.  It felt like a fancy event.

I made it without cutting my finger -- apparently that's a common issue.  No critters.  Mostly shade because you were under the leaves of the vines.  It was HOT though.

I came home and crashed.  My back needed to be flat.  I didn't go to GNI -- bummed a bit, but physically needed to rest so I can work the big fundraiser on Saturday.  Lots of lifting and I need to function or hubby will kill me - hah.  I had a bit of guilt at the last minute cancelation.

Two days of total fun, but now I need to honor my introverted side lol.  Quiet time.  Limited interactions.  Sounds good.  No people, but I still need to do my things.  Quiet day isn't a lazy day -- at least, it shouldn't be and I need to watch to not flop head first into slug behavior.

Today is a back recovery day and prep for the fundraiser on Saturday.  I have a fair amount of stuff to get ready -- paperwork, setting up my phone for credit cards, etc.  I might not workout today given how physical yesterday turned out to be -- probably long walking dogs only.

Picture time.

Me and my aunt post harvest.

The farmhouse.

Sweet and plump.
The view

19 rows by 30 or so people.

Lunch.  It was vineyard fancy.
Bucket after bucket

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