Sunday, September 22, 2019

Church and Football

Odd combination -- only one is for me (can you guess?).

I'll survive football, but the Steelers game is at 4 o'clock today so that means ALL DAY and EVENING football.  I'll sag out a bit early to go to bed to read.

Easy food today.  Store bought munchies for the early games and then burgers for the Steelers.  I already have bacon cooked (huge time saver).

Heading to lots of church stuff this morning.  The Course in Miracles Class is 90 minutes (dang) and then the hour service.  I want to try the class to see if it's interesting.  I've had the book for years and years.  First time I tried to read it, went over my head page ONE!  A lot of my favorite personal growth peeps quote this book as an original source of their teachings -- good to read (and study) the source myself.  Hopefully, I can understand it this time.  My girlfriend is planning to meet me for the later services.  (She's the super busy friend who just got home from 3 week vacation -- she might bag out if she's too tired.)

The wine tasting yesterday was awesome.  We had such a fun time (at least, I did).  The wines were unusual grapes around the world -- it was interesting.  The cheeses were good, but not paired -- kind of bummed because I like learning what goes with what according to the experts - hah.

I'm up extra, extra early because I misread the time.  I rolled over and looked at the clock -- thought it was turning 5 o'clock but it was only 4:30.  Blind as a bat.  No point in heading back to bed.

I'm in a busier flow right now and it feels good (keeps me out of my funk) BUT I need to make sure I don't get rundown.  I don't know why that happens so quickly for me (always does).  I need keep space for myself in all the busy and slow down -- not rush it away.

When I get busy, I tend to get in TASK mode and to-do list mode.  Working on keeping it PRESENT for the next few days.  I have a couple of low key days on Thursday and Friday -- before the huge volunteer day on Saturday (in the mid-90s -- really GA, disappointing ... you can do better for late September).

Wednesday is my BIG day.  Grape harvest (super early) and then GNI evening (super late -- for me).  I'm keeping Thursday clear to relax and recoup.  Normally I would cancel on GNI but I don't see these folks often so (in the name of VARIETY), I'm going.  Leading up to Wednesday are all full days.  No "rest" ahead of time.

I have no idea why I have such a low endurance for a full social calendar.  I'm trying to change that a little -- probably not a lot, but I can have a full week and not collapse into hibernation.  Good lord -- I CAN DO BETTER!

I think part of it is sleep related.  My body likes 8-9 hours a night.  When I add social stuff, it makes for later nights, less sleep (same wakeup time) and that starts the rundown feeling.  For example, Monday is a full day.  But, nothing too much EXCEPT we need to pick up the van for the Saturday fundraiser -- after her work day and after rush hour traffic.  I won't get home until around 9 o'clock.  Now I have less sleep.  That's a big deal for me.  Probably seems silly to most people, but I've stopped apologizing for it.  I know myself.

I also don't do well in the heat.  Wednesday and Saturday are going to be outside HOT days.  It will drain my soul - lol.  My people are from rainy, overcast England and Ireland -- not the deep south.

It's an active rest workout day -- walk on the treadmill.  I have a funky morning schedule this week and need to watch my back.  I'll have more rest days than normal coming up, so today is active rest.  My back is tired and that makes it prone to a problem.

I've rambled on and on.  I'll leave with a couple of pictures from yesterday -- my peeps at the wine tasting.  Later gators.

Fun wine bottle wall.
Eldest in his "fun guy" shirt.
Hubby and youngest (wine tasting was his b-day gift to me).

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