Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Let the Good Times Roll

Thought I'd share my Facebook memory from 2 years ago.  Dating anniversary -- we celebrated 32 by going to a counter service lunch place.  It was perfect -- cheap and fun (like our first date).

Speaking of fun -- today starts 2 days of a fun calendar.  Lunch, movies (Downton Abbey) with my friends and aunt ... then an evening with my aunt (she's spending the night).  Hitting up the freezer stash for a quick meal.  Tomorrow is the grape harvest and GNI in the evening.

I'm not going to lie -- I'm feeling a bit rundown.  I have no idea why I have the crappiest endurance.  I'm pushing forward.  (I have the feeling of a cold starting and my back is hurting a lot.)

Focusing on what keeps me feeling well.  Sleep, less junk food and workouts.  Up extra early for an outside run.  Went to bed early last night again (so happy we picked up the van during the day).  Being careful on food choices -- lots of eating out this week.

I have a flop day on Thursday.  Nothing but a workout and chill before 3 more days of busy.  Hubby is golfing so I get some needed time alone.  Social fun is awesome, but I need alone time to balance it out.  I'm even going to sleep in since I'll have the entire day to myself.

I'm also trying to turn around my thinking (you see how well that's going - hah).  Don't focus on rundown and busy -- this is what I ASKED FOR!!  Be grateful.  Enjoy.  Be present.  I am having a great time, but I wish my physical body realized it too -- I feel 90 years old.

I checked out the meet up website -- surprised that there were groups in my area.  I'll keep you posted.  There are 2 I'm keeping my eye on for after the holidays.  I might actually find a book club I like :)  I was looking to find something a little more into personal growth, but I think I'll get my feet wet with something more benign (if I decide to do it).  The personal growth ones seem a bit "hot" -- a little too non-inclusive the other way.  I watch a lot of Criminal Minds and it makes me a bit nervous for a meet up with people who might be all charged up on opinions.

Speaking of books ... the one I'm reading is a stupid.  I'm skimming to finish and figure out who did it and why.  The reviews said it gets long and convoluted and they are right.  I have a couple personal growth books coming ahead of a seminar in November.  I'll read one of those next (if they come by Thursday).  More on both soon ...

My focus today.  PRESENT -- good times if I make the effort to notice.  Later gators.

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