Thursday, September 12, 2019

Thursday Updates

I had a great day yesterday and it's been a long time since I've felt that way.

Tai Chi -- went to the class at the last minute.  When I read over the description, it was all about healing and energy movement.  I figured my back could handle it.  There's a discussion about setting an intention for the class (as a group and individually), 10 minute meditation, warm up with body tapping, 18 movements of this particular Tai Chi repeated 3 times, 10 minute closing meditation.

It's a bit woo woo -- in a good way.  The meditations were awesome.  I don't know if I was in a zone or the instructor has incredible energy, but it was all the stuff meditation promises.  I've only experience that once before in a group meditation.  I liked the tapping (tapping feels good) and I sucked at the Tai Chi flow -- no one should be surprised by that LOL.  My hand were always opposite  and turned the wrong way.  I'll be better next time (hopefully).

It was so nice, I changed the time for my coaching call so I can go next week too.

Before the class, I started looking into trips for my 50th birthday next year.  Bestie and I are taking a week and hubby and I want a vacation too.  I chatted with both of them and we have some good ideas.  More on that later as we narrow things down.  Felt good to connect and laugh and plan.

PJ had a meet and greet scheduled for today which canceled my hike (with some neighbors).  The adopter cancelled (changed her mind) and I'm back to hiking.  Four of us going on about a 5 mile hike around an island at a local lake.

Here's why that news is exciting ...
I let go of book club -- not my people and another door opened to meet OTHER neighbors and find other connections.  Have to remember letting go is good.  Open space for other things.
I was disappointed for PJ and yesterday evening, he got another application which is possibly perfect (if the dogs get along).  Fingers crossed.  Letting go again and opening space for something else.

After Tai Chi class, I went to Trader Joe's and got all my favorite things.

Found a new book.  No Second Chance -- Harlan Coban.  $2 on kindle.  Sold.  So far, easy, simple, 1st person style.  Just the "junk" read I want right now.  It gets reasonable reviews, but for $2 "okay" is fine.

I needed to step up to do a home check for a new foster before she gets her dog (and she only works from home 2 days a week).  Drive is long.  Totally not looking forward to it and I seem to have to do this a lot.  Problem solved this annoyance.  It happens to be near one of my favorite hikes which I don't do often because it's so far away.  Hubby and I are going next week, hike, picnic and stopping by for the home check.  Now it's worth the drive and all the annoyance is gone.

I saw a live Instagram from Gretchen Rubin last night.  Happened to comment "come to ATL" and she saw it, and said she's coming in November.  Tickets purchased.  I want a chance to see her (and her sister) live.  I did get bamboozled for the ticket insurance -- I checked the box thinking it would tell you the price in advance.  Nope.  $8 per ticket.  Dang.  I was suckered.  No going back once you check the box.  It's billed separately with the information you provide.  What a scam.  Oh well.  Letting that go too (!!)

I can't say how long this feel-good stuff will last, but I'm taking this moment while I can get it.  I've been in a yucky place for too long.

If my back and leg hold out for the hike (and I don't have to pee in the woods), I'll call today a success too - hah.  Have a good one.  Later gators.

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