Saturday, September 14, 2019

Making Choices

I didn't go to Fun Friday last night.

My stomach was wonky and I didn't feel well overall (chills, headache).

Hubby was disappointed but didn't want to go by himself so we were both home.  I was in bed by 6 o'clock and asleep an hour later.  I dumped all dog care to him.

Not sure if this is heat related or food related.  I made it though the outlet trip, but it was so incredibly hot and humid.  Even the youngest had enough (he found what he needed though - yeah).  We went to lunch and I ate tentatively because nothing worse than a stomach issue out of the house - hah.

After that, I changed into comfortable clothes and ended up on the sofa the rest of the day.  I thought I'd rally in time for the neighborhood gathering -- never happened.

I don't feel much better this morning.  Energy is low (might be from no dinner though) and my stomach is still bloated (maybe better once I get moving).

Not sure about a workout this morning.  Fast walk was on the schedule so I can run outside tomorrow.  I might switch to arms.  I boxed lightly yesterday and not enough to be arm-tired.  Still waiting on TMacFitness until I know I can give it a good try.  And a run might to too much tomorrow.  Decisions, decisions.

I'm also on the fence about the Farmers Market.  There's not a big pull to go, but I don't want to be stuck in the house all day again.

Up and down -- rollercoaster life.

I had a good day yesterday -- even with my stomachache.  Enjoyed the time with my youngest and was proud of my decision to stay home.  It was a bummer to not go but I chose myself first.

I swear -- my body is broke down (as they say in the south).  Last night I wondered if something was really wrong, but when I look at what's going on -- nothing is related.  A dog bite has nothing to do with a stomachache.  Leg injury has nothing to do with a headache.  Strange season (damn you karma LOL).

Maybe negative energy from my family drama is creating this chaos -- but I'm pushing forward.

Now, if the south would finally decide it's fall, life would be a delight.  Good lord this heat is a hot mess.  Next week is STILL in the 90s.  Even heat-loving people of the south are annoyed.  September is not summer for crying out loud!!

Hope to make something of this day that includes something other than sitting around -- that's the plan I have so far.  Later gators.

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