Monday, September 9, 2019

What a Weekend (Picture and Videos)

Five dogs is too many dogs.  Love them all, but lord have mercy.

I appear to be living under a black cloud of mishap ... or some sort of voodoo spell.  Another crazy accident.  A misunderstanding between PJ and Junebug (grand-dog) and BIG dog fight on my lap.  (PJ didn't see Junebug and jumped on her and it hurt -- they both went at it.)  I got bit on my forearm, but it didn't break the skin -- just a big bruise with swelling.  I also got bit under my arm (bra-line) and that broke the skin.  It's in a horrible spot and still throbs.

It was the only dog issue and as soon as it was over, they were back to being buddies.  Junebug is sweet as anything, but she's a biter when pushed.

Yesterday I got my monthly (early again -- hello peri-menopause).

A delivery of Eco-88 (cleans up dog messes) came broken and almost empty.  I was transferring what was left in the bottle to another container before I returned it and some spilled on my hand, but I wiped it off and thought nothing of it -- didn't WASH it off.  A little later, my hands started itching and burning.  My skin was white with red dots.  It took washing, soaking, cream and repeat for an hour to stop the reaction.  Lesson learned.  Hello, strange happenings.

I went to bed yesterday with my back and hip hurting, both bit areas throbbing, headache and cramps and flaky palms of my hands.

See what I mean??  Black cloud.

Surprisingly my mood is okay.  I'm doing the "things" and handling stuff better.  I was on dog duty all day Saturday and I got STUFF DONE!  So many nagging things that were ignored when my back was out.  I planned to do them today, but got everything cleared up Saturday.

I have lunch with a friend today (a new local restaurant) and boy, do I need it.  Wash the black cloud away and start a new week.

Workouts are still funky.  Taking care of little dogs all weekend was hard on my back (putting harnesses on, picking up dogs, picking up poop LOL).  I need to do something, but I also think if I rest a little bit this week, my back can feel better.  I'm scheduled for 2 new workout classes tomorrow and Wednesday and need to decide if I can try them.  I've never taken them so I have no idea if I can manage.  I also have my monthly so there's that too.  I think I should cancel and register for next week instead.  Yep, just writing it out -- I know the answer.

That means I need to put something else on the calendar for those days -- hibernating (whether on purpose or not) is NOT good for my mood.  I'm fighting hard to get in a better place and that means FORCING myself to do all The Things.

I have some thinking to do.

I'll leave with some pictures from this weekend.  PJ is making awesome progress -- he's a sweetheart.
Later gators.

The crew.
Feeding circle :)
Using his nose!! Good boy, PJ.
Celebrating youngest.
It's a 3 layer, strawberry short cake.
Have mercy -- he took most of it home.

PJ WALKING outside.  This is HUGE!

Playtime. (Junebug, Duke and PJ)
They played all the time.
The dog fight was so unfortunate.

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