Friday, September 13, 2019

Happy Weekend

The hike yesterday was awesome -- hard, but not dangerous.  My kind of hike.  No cliffs, rock scrambles or places I can trip and die (!!) ... but the hills were steep -- up and down the entire way.

Took us 2 hours.  Atlanta had a record high of 97 and humid.  I sweated half my body weight.  Then I had a headache and bathroom issues all evening.  Yep, I'm delicate.  It was worth it though.  The lake and river were scenic and we got to see the dam -- pretty cool.  We're going to hike on the regular, once a month or so.

Came home to our neighborhood filled with goats.  Someone left the door open on their goat house -- a few eaten bushed and the goats were all safely returned.

Outlet shopping with the youngest today.  Not my favorite thing to do, but I'll enjoy the afternoon with him.  I'm taking him to Village Burger for lunch.  My stomach is still upset this morning -- hopefully it will settle down by lunch.

Fun Friday in the neighborhood tonight.  I was planning to make cookies, but my day filled up.  I'll figure out some quick dessert to bring.  Maybe blondies.

Still working on holding my own, standing up for myself.  It's amazing how often I need to stand up -- sometimes it's fatiguing.
The rescue is pushing for me to do more because some volunteers are stepping back.  Nope -- AGAIN.
Hubby is giving me grief for getting up early because our little dog wakes him up (not when I wake up -- about an hour later) and I'm upstairs so I can't help him.  Why can't I stay downstairs?  Nope -- look for another solution.
I can still help with the neighborhood Sunshine Club even if I'm not in bookclub.  Nope -- that was the point.
Let's go to Mexico for our 50th at this place or that place.  Nope -- too dangerous right now -- all of Mexico.

I've explained myself already so now my answer is either to ignore the comment or say -- sorry, I can't and leave it at that.  This lesson is alluding me -- I keep repeating it over and over.  Am I a total pushover?  You teach people how to treat you.  Did I do this?  Working at changing it.  I'm happy to compromise -- life doesn't need to be MY way, but I'm allowed to make choices.

That said, the week has been better than expected.  I have as full of a weekend as I want -- need to see how I feel (back, leg) before I commit to plans.  Not sure about Farmers Market and Unity service.  I have full days and I can fit it in, but not sure if it's worth it.  The Farmers Market is almost finished and the Unity service is a substitute.  Game day decisions.  PJ has a meet in the city on Sunday.  Saturday is possibly plans with the kids and it's the neighborhood yard sale (we are adding some things).

Fun and full weekend.  Shhhhhh ... not too loud because I seem to jinx it.   Later gators.

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