Monday, September 23, 2019

Problem Solving -- I Hope

Van pick up got pushed back to 8:30 -- (that's midnight if you adjust to MY "timezone" LOL).  I volunteered to drive all the way to her house so we can do the pick up during the day (PROBLEM SOLVING).  We got massively burned by the drive on Friday (traffic like crazy).  Fingers crossed for something better today.  This is a one and done kind of volunteer situation.  It ALWAYS ends up being something much more than it starts off.  (We were suppose to pick up the van Saturday morning from a parking lot and return it that night -- now we have a massive van in our driveway for over a week -- not good.)

Anyway -- today is hubby's and my 32nd DATING ANNIVERSARY.  Pretty sweet.  We're "celebrating" with a late lunch.  We usually don't do anything, but he's home -- why not.

I have a bold to-do list today and tomorrow.  I got some of the big things knocked out yesterday.  My back is hurting and I need to watch overdoing things.  Doing some yesterday spread out the chores.

Course in Miracles class was good.  I want to go regularly -- the group has been meeting for 30 years!  Not all the members (of course), but that's the kind of longevity I'm interested in.  People were welcoming -- diverse group, interesting people, interesting conversation.

Driving for an hour, sitting for 90 minutes, sitting for the service and then the drive home whacked out my back.  Sitting upright puts too much pressure on my lower back.  I'll have to figure that out for next Sunday.

Being PRESENT yesterday was challenging.  I needed to remind myself so many times.  My mind drifts to the next thing when I have a full day.  Good practice -- good to notice.  I'll get some more practice today and tomorrow.  It's the same kind of busy both days.

I'll leave with a thought from Brooke Castillo.  This is my focus lately and it has me in a good place.  Can I hold on?  That's the question for me ... the hard part.  Trying to make my life better than the food -- the key word is MOST (everyone looks forward to food -- it's delicious!).  Later gators.

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