Sunday, September 29, 2019

Organized Chaos (Pictures)

It's finished!
I'm standing.
Bone tired (of course I am ...)

It ended up being reasonable with set-up and some of the fosters stayed to help dismantle the tent (that was the biggest back breaker doing it with 2 people).  Thankful for those kind peeps.

It was a LONG and SUPER DUPER HOT day.  Full sun (even with rain promised), humid (because it's Atlanta) and in the 90s.  Everyone was complaining -- event people, ticket holders, the police, ME.  I got a weather alert on my phone last night -- expect significantly HIGHER temperatures today.  All week -- temps in the 90s.  WARNING -- weather complaining until Atlanta does better.

I'm going to an outdoor festival next weekend with the family girls (more on that later) and the temperature better play nice ... or else (*said in my strictest mom voice*).

I've had enough outdoor "summer" stuff to last a decade.  My people are from England and Ireland -- I'm not made for Atlanta.

Here are a few pictures.  We had foster dogs -- lots of them.  They took breaks and naps in cars to cool off.  Ice cube rub downs, iced water, etc.  Those that didn't do well (even with breaks) left early.

Arrival time -- butt smelling 'hellos'
Sweetest big guy EVER.
Crooked nose Haas.
Owner surrender -- poor baby.
Alpaca kisses
(She pregnant!!)
The set-up.  We did it (with only moderate fighting -- small miracle).

Everything in me wanted to bag out on this morning's class at Unity (10 hours outside in that weather -- I'm toast).  I held strong ONLY because if I don't go to class, I get to return the van to the city.  Hmmmm ... that was an easy choice LOL.  Sometimes I need more than my own resolve to do The Things.  I'm not staying for the service.  I need to pick up pizzas and run to the grocery store.

I woke up easily this morning ahead of my alarm.  Go figure.  I'll do a light workout because I want to take Wednesday off completely.

The week ahead has nothing major until Saturday.  R&R and continue that endurance push.  I'm have a few things on the calendar -- enough to keep the week interesting.

Happy Sunday.  I'll be plopped in a comfy chair, reading a book with football playing and enjoying the air conditioning.  Later gators.

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