Thursday, September 5, 2019

Hello, World

I'm upright and giving normal living a try this morning.

No workout yet, but some walking.  Baby steps.

This is the first morning I can sit in a chair and with only mild discomfort (although it's getting worse).

The bummer news is we are dog sitting starting tomorrow morning - granddoggies.  I LOVE having them but the timing means one of us has to be home all weekend.  Dang.  Hubby has plans both days so looks like I'm The Sitter for the weekend.

Fingers crossed my back holds up today because Monday is a start of DOING stuff.  Don't know what, but SOMETHING.

This afternoon hubby and I are dropping off an old Pottery Barn mirror for a facelift.  It was one of the "things" on my to-do list during my social fast (lol).  The painter was away and now we are all set.  White with a gray glaze and mild distressing.  Before and after pictures when she's back home.

I had my coaching call yesterday -- all about that troubled family member who is giving me grief.  Holly is personally familiar with type of personality (axis 2) and gave me some book references.  It felt good to talk to someone else about it, but that's enough talking.  Too much power to the situation. I won't spill any beans since this is a public place and it doesn't feel right to talk about her.

I started coaching thinking I was going to work on one thing, but it's gone deeper and maybe this is the level I need to explore.

Anyway, that book I mentioned yesterday (Then She Was Gone) ... if the ending is even a little good, it's a winner.  SUSPENSE like crazy.  I wanted to stay up and read the entire book -- it's that good.  Disclaimer: I love this kind of suspense book so I'm extra partial to a good one.

I still don't have much to say since my life has been leaning on a pile of pillows.  I'm mushy and soft and totally feeling yucky.  I need a big sweat in the worst way.  I think some problem solving is in order today.

Adventure-less, bored and lame.  Fun week.  Certainly not what I expected.  One day I might actually be able to handle these set-backs with more grace.  Until then ...

Later gators.

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