Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The DOING Works

I pushed forward on my morning yesterday.

Walk was a great conversation -- and over 8 miles.  We kicked it hard and both ended up with a mean case of butt chafe.  95 degrees and humid.  Cracks aren't immune - lol.

DOING stuff fixes me (usually).  I came home physically satisfied (boxing and a long, fast walk) and mentally satisfied (lots of interesting conversation).  Mood changing.

It's a full day today and I'm glad.  DOING endurance.  I've been super slacking, partially from all injury, accidents, etc, but also from mood.  Giving into feeling low.  Sneaks up on me and then I'm fully surrounded.

I have something to talk to my coach about -- stay tuned.  Once I understand a direction, I'll share (hopefully, my coaching today will be that direction).  If we take that forward, I'll continue ... if not, taking a break until something else pops up.

My old bod is totally sore today in the best way -- using muscles again (FINALLY).  My back and leg feel good.  I'm not pushing anything.  "Workout" today is Tai Chi -- more like active recovery.  I'm so stinking curious about the meditation and whether it will feel special today.  I'll probably still suck at the movements, but, oh well, that's just me.

I had a physical reaction to the last meditation which has only happened once before in a group meditation.  The relaxation response (like with a massage) -- lower body temperature, lower heart rate, lower breathing.  But I also had all the aches in my leg and back (from sitting cross-legged) go away.  It was super uncomfortable and then one breath later -- gone (about halfway through).  He guided you through a visualization about the energy fields and I SWEAR it felt like my body was covered in the softest blanket.  It was wild.  Even after the meditation, I felt that sensation.  Body-mind connection is cool.

PJ has a new name -- Reggie and is officially ADOPTED.  No return happening.  Go little man -- have the best life!

Enjoying the suspense book I'm reading -- No Second Chance (Harlan Coban).  All comes down to ending but I have no idea what's happening so far -- twists and turns.

I'll leave on this little gem.  Later gators.

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