Wednesday, July 27, 2016

My "Friday"

Still amazed at how well I'm sleeping.  Only downside is I'm sound asleep when my alarm goes off - takes a minute to figure out what's the what!

Stomach still churning this morning.  Hope it's not what I had for dinner.  I have the EXACT same for lunch lol!

Planning on a run with incantations, but back-up is indoor something - I'll figure it out on the fly.

I try to replicate some of the tabata stuff at home (copy from class).  I feel like I get a good workout.  Then I take a class.  Wow.  I'm sore all over (in a good way).  I guess she "forces" better form or more effort or some magic something.

If all goes as planned, I can take 3 classes this week and next.  Might actually find a muscle somewhere lol.  And get another massage!

A little bad news - my knee is feeling really crappy.  I hope Whole30 helps it along (has before).  I might need to get it looked at - ugh hate doctors.  I hope cross training will strengthen muscles and support the knee.  That's the general "treatment" for my self-diagnosed injury.  Just haven't had a long enough stretch to see if that will help.  Hoping this is the start of my stretch.

Oh - my new sunglasses came yesterday.  Love them.  (Of course I love all sunglasses.)  Seems progressives are a bit more obvious than on my glasses.  Have to get used to them for a minute.  But glad to finally have aviators (yes it took me this long).  Will be nice to be able to read with sunglasses.  Kept my old ones for stuff like golf, etc.

Later gaters.  Off to "something" before work.

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