Whole30 it is.
I was fighting it for the wrong reasons. My health (or at least my "feel good") should be worth a bit of effort. It's a catch22 - so tired I NEED Whole30 but too tired to do the work. Oh trouble!
So I took my chances while on-call. Grocery store x2, meals x4, dishwasher x2. Score 1 for the good guy - small miracle.
Then that funny, funny Universe played it's hand. Somehow 2 containers worth of food jumped from my loving arms onto the floor and - extra funny - said containers opened up and dumped all over. Joy (for the dog).
But my resolve (today) is strong. So I just will keep on keeping on.
I'm not really committing to the whole 30 days. I'll do this until I feel better. I don't think I "need" a complete 30 but my diet needs to look like this most days. Occasional treats don't make me fat or feel crappy. But regular ones do. I need to get back to my "regular" changes that I started after my first Whole30 1 1/2 years ago.
Honestly, the reason for a possible short 30 is because I've had such a large dent in my fun, social, enjoyable life lately - I'm not willing to sacrifice social enjoyment right now.
So there you have it. Bring on the veggies (and the dishes!).
Tomorrow we'll tackle caffeine ... riveting!
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