Definitely BETTER morning. I'm slowly seeing the "getting better" happening.
Now I need to focus on getting my immune system back up and running where it needs to be. Guess what that means? EAT HEALTHY!!! Oh, it always comes back to this ... "it starts with food" ... to quote Whole30.
Been toggling between Jenny Craig, Whole30 and Crappy Eating ... with the latter winning big.
Things will calm down in a couple of weeks so I'll have more time to focus on Whole30. I think that's the best option.
Over next couple of weeks, I'll do the best I can but not kill myself with strictness. I need to give myself a break, but I need to also take better care of what goes into my body. Cookies won't help me. Wine won't help me.
And actually I really need to NOT drink. I've been popping cold meds like crazy. My liver needs some R&R before it tackles alcohol.
Today was supposed to be a dog swim at the lake with my aunt and our beloved pups. Had to change (taking care of me) so lunch instead. Much more manageable. I thought about doing my Yoga HIITS class this am, but my cough is bad in the morning ... will have to wait another week.
I have this plan in my mind. It goes like this. Spend next week and a half getting better. Feel better, eat better, hold my fitness level - do good, but don't push. Work is hard but I will focus my downtime on taking care of ME. Pushing now will set me back and also feel like swimming upstream - hard work, no progress.
Then schedule returns to normal (and hopefully I finally feel normal) and BAM ... start building to GREATNESS!! or at least back to my normal AWESOME lol!
I hope I've seen the last big hiccup in a long line of hiccups. I'm ready to reclaim my life. And take the lessons from the last couple months plus and MOVE FORWARD! I want my journal to be about GROWTH and PROGRESS instead of this complaining and crappy crap.
I see a light ... fingers crosses, plan in place.
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