Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Massage Day!!

CAN NOT WAIT!!!  This old body needs a good (gentle) rub down.

Tabata, shower, MASSAGE!!  Oh and walk the dog and Starbucks before all of that.

I hope my AT is feeling better today.  Hard to tell - walking feels fine.

Opened a "just because" gift from my girlfriend (my TR buddy in crime).  Little sign ...
BFFS turn OMGS into LOLS.  So perfectly sums up our experience in Dallas!  Love her!  What a happy, loved start to my day!

I have a weekend to myself (sort of).  We had a schedule change so I'm off Thursday-Sunday.  Hubby is out of town for a boys golf weekend.  Just me home (with kids and dog).  No plans.  My two gal pals I would ask to hang on the weekend are on vacation.  Maybe I'll try to catch a movie with another friend.  I'm sort of jonesing for a movie.

BTW ... I know "jonesing" is spelled correctly (even though spell-check is not recognizing) thanks to Alexa (Amazon).  I just ask her how to spell - and she does.  For this spell challenged girl - fabulous!

Kids up - got to run!!

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