Thursday, July 28, 2016

Early Update

Hello again!

Checking in to distract myself from the cake I just made for the kids.  Throw back Thursday cake from my childhood.  Mandarin orange cake with a cool whip, pudding and pineapple topping.  Right up my alley.

Mistake to make during the witching hours.  I WANT THE CAKE!  I honestly think I could eat 1/2 the cake right now.  I'm massively focusing on how that would make me feel - shaky, bloated, tired, gross all over, sweaty, guilty, regretful, angry, disappointed.  Breathe.  I may temporarily want this but I certainly don't need it.

Okay - thanks.  I feel more in control.

Today was good.

HIITS class was a perfect workout for today.  Lots of strength training and stretching.

Decided to cook a bit this afternoon.  Paleo crockpot meatballs.  Great freezer dish.  Goes well with all veggies.  Packs great for lunch.  I'll make one other freezer dish this weekend (haven't figured it out yet).  Always good to have an emergency stash.

And you know I made a cake lol!

Chilling right now.  I actually might go get a second Starbucks (yep!).  Sipping on my iced americano  (decaf) helps distract me from eating.

Also fun today - got a late birthday goodie box from my bff.  Tons of fun girly stuff.  Love it!  Got to chat for a few minutes with her too.  Wearing an awesome bracelet now.  So me!!  She just "gets" me!!

Don't think I'll be writing tonight.  Just me and hubby home so some one-on-one time.

Off to Starbucks.

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