Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Hi ho, hi ho ... off to work I go.

Two more days left in my big work PUSH.  Glad I have incantations this morning lol!

No Mart yesterday.  Closed for a show until next week.  Bummer.  At least we found out before the long drive there.  Rescheduled for next Wednesday.  Coffee instead.  Still fun to catch up with a friend.  Then took my youngest out to lunch.  Nice day overall.

Eating, well ... another story.  "Good" all day.  Then hit some cheese and sweet treats at night.  But wait ... what about Whole30??

Yep. Sucks.

My mindset has been get through these two weeks, feel better, start the healthy process and then BAM.  What mind mind hears is "you don't have to REALLY start yet."  All or nothing strikes again.

Trouble is, I'm worried I can get back FOCUSED in the game come the weekend.  I need to lose around 12-15 lbs (haven't weighed myself).  Shit or get off the pot.  But if my mind isn't ready, it will be that game of SORTA trying, treading water.

One of the weird problems I have is I want to have some wine.  Wine before I begin my "diet" #112.  I want it.  But I shouldn't.  But I want it. But I shouldn't.  See the problem??

I fantasize about pouring a glass, relaxing, etc.  But then I think how crappy I'll feel in the morning.  (Because one glass will become ... let's say, more than one!)  Should I get it out of my system?  Should I tell the craving to shut up?  Oh the conflict.

Also, I've been cooking Whole30 since the weekend.  It's a pain in the butt.  Is that because I'm tired, recovering, working a brutal week ... or is that the way it is?

No answers this morning.  Only questions.  But goal is clear.  Lose the weight and feel better.  The process is fuzzy.  I want answers by Saturday - pretty please universe!!

Other updates ...

Fish oil.  I did it.  First teaspoon!  Tastes like peppermint followed by fish.  Not bad though.  Burped a bit, but just peppermint taste.  Have to remember this morning.
Caffeine taper is tapering.
BTW eyelashes still going strong (in case you were wondering)
Is there anything else??  Can't remember right now. Lol.

Okay.  Finishing up so I can go run and incantate myself to HAPPY.  Later gators.

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