Friday, July 1, 2016

It's Friday.

"It's Friday, it's Friday.  It's the end of the week.  It's the last day."  Just a little song ditty we sing at work.

Well, the good news is I don't feel any worse.  Guess this is as bad as it will get.  With some (lots) of sleep this weekend, I might be on the mend in a couple of days.  Thank you Advil Cold & Sinus.  Best stuff out there.

Today is a monster day to get through.  Busy work, short staffed (until August), holiday traffic and a big BBQ for family tonight.  Some good news - I have most of the food ready to go - that's all of the good news.  I've been awake for 30 min and I'm dreaming of bed.  Definitely a monster day.

Running outside today.  Full workout of my INCANTATION ... I AM HAPPY ENERGY.   I'm glad to be back to outside runs.  There is something peaceful and powerful about running in the dark.  Running at the start of the day - birds chirping, little animals running around.  Funny thing is my neighbor has started running outside while I was on break.  Same time-ish.  Not cool.  That's my time!!!  Now I "look" for him so he doesn't scare me.  And I need to time my run so God forbid we aren't running together!  Oh the little things.

Another tidbit from my seminar ... grateful list.  Everyone who is anyone (in the self-help world) tells you to be grateful.  Write it, say it ... big, small ... it all counts.

So here we go.

Of course the big stuff is ALWAYS there.  My family, my boys, our health, our home.  Those are easy to be thankful for everyday.  And I am.

Smaller, little stuff is harder to notice.  That's the list today on this monster day.

Main floor AC went out yesterday, but got fixed last night after I went to bed.  Thank you AC guy and thank you hubby for arranging.
Lots of food already fixed for tonight's BBQ.
Hubby's gifts all bought - b-day celebration tomorrow.
Stack of bills and paperwork DONE.
Howard Stern show on radio for long commute.
Youngest having a great time with old friends.
Advil Cold & Sinus
New (delicious) tea - cinnamon and berry.
Invited to 4th of July BBQ and fireworks with friends (my new morning running buddy lol)
Ripped a favorite blouse.  Dry cleaner can fix for $4.  Fantastic.
Dog woke me up last night to say good-night.  It's so sweet.  He nudges me until I wake-up and pet his head.  Then he lays down next to me.  Pure love.

Monster day or not, I'll choose to make it a blessed one.  I AM happy energy :-)  Later gators.

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