Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Actually, I Freaking Rock.

Kudos to me today.  Out to lunch - stayed on plan even though the "plan" choice made for a crappy lunch.  Ate dinner early (because of said crappy lunch) and didn't go back to snack before bed.  Score one for the good guy.

Also interesting today - my gal pals are 2 of my drinking buddies.  Just hanging out today made me crave a glass of wine WHEN I GOT HOME!!??!?  Force of habit.  Weird delayed trigger.

I'm finding if I hold through the couple of witching hours in late afternoon - early evening I'm fine the rest of the night.

I hope this continues.  I know I shouldn't say "hope" since I hold all the power - no HOPE needed - but I don't have complete confidence yet.  I'm allowing social deviations from my good habits ... so the all-or-nothing monster is still lurking.

Focusing on FEELING HEALTHY as my main priority - not my pants fitting.

Noticing the good results from a good routine.  ALREADY ...
Sleeping well.
Waking up early and easily.
Skin is less oily.
Face is less puffy.
Pants fit better.
Mood is stable.

Speaking of sleep ... I'm barely keeping my eyes open.  Time for bed.

P.S.  Got all my goodies at the Mart today plus a couple of cheap (but super cute) reading glasses.  Perfect shopping!

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