Saturday, December 31, 2016

Decisions Made.

Good morning last day of 2016.

I made some decisions.  Here it goes.

(1)  NYE I will participate in some bubbly.  Why?  Because I want to.  This is probably the last NYE with the original four for a long time (maybe forever) and I want to celebrate with the other three.  Period.  One night will not change my overall health.

(2)  I won't participate in the MyFitnessPal event.  Why?  Because I don't want to.  What I do now works for me.  If it stops working and I need to change it up again, I will.  I don't want too many whispers in my ear - complicates and confuses things.  My instructor is a body-builder who has different goals and endorses a lot of protein bars and drinks with artificial sugars.  Both don't align well with me.  I don't expect her advise to be something I want to follow (since I like how I eat) and that would be a waste of her time and mine. I might be very wrong, but I'm going with my gut on this one.

(3)  When I become a grandmother (lots of years from now), I want to be called Granny or Nana.  Topic of discussion with my hubby yesterday.  Decision made.  Choice up to the first parents and grand baby lol.

(4)  My new focus is on STRENGTH.  Yes, it was already on that, but I'm kicking it up a notch or two.  Climbing that ladder.  I will eat to sustain muscle (and minimize fat), move to build muscle and recover to rest muscle.

Thank you 2016 for a good year.  I am blessed and grateful.  I hope to make 2017 proud with my goals, continuing MHP, travel and a new job.

Friday, December 30, 2016

Well, hello again.

So here's the regular stuff.

I went to the movies yesterday with my eldest.  Passengers.  Good movie.  We thought it was an action, bad-guy movie, but it was a rom-com.  Even so, we both enjoyed.

Today is Starwars with the whole family.  I heard it's good.  The newer movies have felt long to me, but still enjoyable.  I'm expecting the same.

We are really getting into The Man in the High Castle.  Such a good show.  Fun to watch with the family.

Lift was good yesterday (nice to be back to feeling normal).  Tabata today.  It's been a few weeks - looking forward to it.  I added a 3rd lift day (officially) to my January schedule.  I want to see what that shift accomplishes.  Lately, running has been giving my knee some grief (could also be related to eating sugar - that seems to bother it too).  Should be interesting.

Our instructor is offering a nutrition evaluation for a month (for free).  We'd use the MyFitnessPal app and link to her.  I'm on the fence.  On one hand, it's a good opportunity to hear her opinion of my nutrition as it relates to my fitness.  On the other hand, logging is a pain-in-the-butt.  What makes W30 (and that style of eating) so wonderful is there is no measuring, logging, counting, etc.  And it works.  I'm not sure I want to change what works.  I know I never want to be a measurer, counter, etc again (for the long-term).  I want to find what works for me in the LONG GAME.  It's just enticing to have her evaluate and possible find a small thing that would make a big difference.  Still thinking on this one.  I have a couple of weeks to decide.

I still haven't started un-decorating.  I wanted everything down by NYE, but I have nothing to do on NY Day.  Boys will be football watching ... might make sense to wait until Sunday.  Idle hands make for munchie thoughts. I need something to do that day.

Okay, that's it for now.  We're all caught up.  Finding my ZEN and my HAPPY today.  Later gators.

A Change in FOCUS

Good morning.  Up early, feeling SOOOO much better.  Almost back to "normal" ... just a couple more days and a few eating tweaks and I should be there.

All this said, I'm concerned I could be making a small adjustment in the wrong direction.

Let me explain.

I had a big goal to get through all these events (over the 4 months) feeling good, fitting into my clothes, being stronger, being healthy, etc.  Good news - I achieved my goal.  Bad news - goal is over.  I'm down to the final 2 weeks of this crazy, fun stretch and I feel my focus changing.

Also, I wanted to see what 4 months of doing all my new habits got me.  Now I know.  The consistent discipline is not as urgent anymore.

I'm not focusing on the "being" goals (healthy, strong, fit) ... I'm focusing on the "not being" goals (don't overeat, don't be unhealthy).  It's a small shift, but it's making a difference.  I need to get the other focus back.  Changing focus leads to small thoughts of .... "I can get away with this" ... "I deserve this" ... "I have lots of time" ... "Tomorrow I can get back to it."  DANGEROUS.

This should be easy to fix (whew).  I need to focus on some new fitness goals and a new time-marker.  It will actually be fun to redesign and realign my goals ... aka VARIETY!!  I'm going to give it some thought.  Stay tuned ...

I noticed all this because NYE is fast approaching and even though I decided I'd had enough gluttony to last me awhile, I find myself thinking ... maybe just a little bubbly.  Not good.  I need some "on" days to counter my "off" days.  Not worth-it.  Another circumstance, a couple of drinks - no big deal. But now, in this moment ... a big deal.

I wondered why I changed to feeling it could be worth-it.  Because I had no reason to counter it.  Bam.  That's the problem.

I know I've rambled a bit and it might not make sense as written, but I get it.  And since I'm both writer and reader ... no need to worry.  Lol.

This post has gone LONG.  Time to sign off.  Later gators.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

2016 in Review

(I've been saving this one - 3 points to review for 2016 - from my yoga studio)

One thing you did you are proud of this year.

I had the courage to leave my job and start working to find a better "normal" in my life.  I don't like to leave a job because I don't like to start a job.  But this felt important.  I'm a big, old work-in-progress but I see the progress.  My husband was a big supporter (and actually pusher) to take this time.  I'm glad I did.

One mistake you made and the lesson you learned.

I think an ongoing mistake I made over the last few years is that being HAPPY should occur naturally (for me).  I didn't believe it was a state you should work toward.  HAPPY should be the default.  And that's why I didn't feel it (enough).  The lesson is that MY default isn't HAPPY and it requires effort to find and keep it.

One story you're willing to let go of before 2017.

This one is hard.  But the story I WANT to let go of is this.  I'm told I do well at work, that I'm a good nurse, etc.  I never feel that - I feel like it's a mistake.  Rose-colored glasses.  Somehow I got the job out of desperation ... I'm not actually qualified.  It's an ongoing insecurity (part of the reason I hate looking for a job).  I want to let go of that insecurity and that story I tell myself.  Here's hoping.

Thanks for the review Yoga Studio!

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Back to Basics.

After a brief interlude ... back to my regularly scheduled Happiness Project.  Doing the things that keep me healthy and HAPPY ... making them a priority.

Collagen, enzymes, vitamins, eye lash grower ... they work.  I feel better. (Oh and no cold this holiday ... knock wood).  I've been pretty good about taking everything, but had a few misses.

Moving through.  Slow and steady.  I'm not impressed with it, but I want to say I've read it. And I will be telling everyone lol.

Back at it.  Three meals (no snacking).  Veggie centric.

I kept it up over the holidays, but the recipes were "treats."  Time to get back to it next week.  They'll be tons of new recipes on W30 for the big January reset.

Knocking it out of the park.  New weight set (and rack) for Christmas.  Elliptical gone.  It's my new jam (and I'm cool enough to start saying "jam").

Need some work on that.  I do a bunch of nice things, but often grumpy in my head about it.  Plus, lots of nice things to family and friends. This was more about the average stranger.

Also, knocking that out of the park.  I actually need a bit of a dial-back.  Routine is good too.  BALANCE is key.

Also need to get moving on this by end of January (I'm giving myself a bit of time since I've been so busy).  Spanish, nursing review, etc.  A little bit regularly goes a long way.

That's a quick update.  Power in writing it down.

A Wave of Relief

Why you ask?

Lice Scare 2016 appears to be over.  We passed the time mark - lice free.  Pillows and blankets are out of the black bags and life is looking back to normal.

And this:
The refrigerator has been cleared of all unhealthy goodies, treats and otherwise.  Unfortunately, a lot of it cleared through my mouth, but it's over.  Gluttony 2016 is a wrap.  What's left is normal life.  No big plans for NYE - no need to indulge.  I'll make some healthy, fun foods and call it a night (probably well in advance of mid-night).  Girlfriends weekend will involve some wine, but I know it will be under control. I MADE IT!!  Pants fitting, a bit ruff-n-tumbled ... but that was one hell of a social streak.

Yesterday (between eating) I managed a lift workout.  I have NEVER been less in the mood to workout.  Painfully difficult (with a full belly, etc).  Won't be doing that again (anytime soon).

I woke up yesterday "wanting" to stuff my face.  This morning I woke up "wanting" my healthy life back.  That's a good switch.  I'll probably have some struggles this afternoon since I ate a lot of sweets the last few days ... but the good news is in a day or two that will be over (or at least very manageable).

I need to take down Christmas decorations.  What a pain.  I think I'll start tomorrow and then finish Friday.  I'd like to have them down and done by NYE.  I won't start today (just in case there are any little lice still lurking ... don't want to stir the pot).  And I'm void of good energy (I did it to myself).  Today is a workout rest day - thank God for small favors.

I will admit, my skin hurts today.  I'm that bloated.  Really.  I expected I'd have a blow out day when all the social finished.  And I did.  And it's over.  Praise be to all that is good lol!

The agenda today is up for grabs.  I'll get some house chores going and see where that leads.  It's all about eating healthy today.  Period.  I will not be having a post-of-shame tomorrow.  That I promise to myself.  Okay folks - off to return to routine.  RELIEF.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Unexpected visitors ..

LICE!!  My cousin's little boy has lice.  UGH and double UGH.  I'm itching all over ... and washing and washing and vacuuming and vacuuming ... fun times.  We raised our kids and NEVER had a lice scare ... until today.  Good Lord.

Anyway ... the party was tons of fun, tons of work, tons of drinking (okay on the eating) and the clean-up work will continue most of today.  The good news is I get a break from entertaining, cooking, grocery shopping, etc.

I did run outside yesterday.  It felt good.  I want to keep more days of sustained cardio in my routine (at least a few a month).  I think cardio endurance is a good thing.

Today is rainy, foggy, muggy, warm.  Not very December-like.  I have lifting at noon and nothing else planned (except cleaning-up and de-licing).  The refrigerator is FILLED with delicious treats, goodies, decadent left-overs.  I'd like to say I'm back-to-normal today, but I don't know.  I might need another day to get it out of my system.  I woke-up "wanting" and that's never a good sign.  Since I'm at the almost-end of all the indulgences, I don't feel the urgency to get back to the routine.

That's probably not a good thing.  I need to be very careful.

Okay, best get at that de-licing.  Please, please, please no lice on us.  That might put me over the edge.  UGH.  So I'm hoping for HAPPY (that's not head-first in the sweets) and a successful clean-up today.

And with that ... most of the holidays are over ...

Monday, December 26, 2016

Boxing Day

The holidays just keep coming lol!

Where to start ... well, yesterday was a worth-it day.  I had food and drink (just a little) ... mainly my old friend "sweets" ruled the night.  Still, it was delicious and fun (and best football game ever).  I'm up early (alarm blasting in my ear) to start the MEGA entertaining for today.

This is it.  Last big cooking day for awhile.  NYE will be a lot of store bought stuff so I don't have another obligation until my reunion weekend.  I need to rally and finish strong.  I feel EXACTLY the opposite of that lol.

I'm tired (thanks "sweets" and standing in the kitchen for 3 days), sore (crazy workout with my new weights - went a bit overboard) and sick of set-up, clean-up ... you get the idea.

What I'm making isn't hard, but I didn't think through the oven situation.  Usually, having 2 ovens means I don't have to plan oven time.  But I'm serving 3 things that need lots of oven time at different temperatures, etc.  So my to-do list also has a time-line.  Yep, it's that anal.  If I forget to start something, it's a problem ... and once everyone arrives and I get "hosting" that's more likely to happen than not.

I'm on the fence about an outside run.  I thought I would head out really early, but now I'm not sure ... still working on waking up.  Although traffic should be light after Christmas (and no school), it is actually a work day.  Might be tricky.  I'll make the decision soon.  Also, I'm sore and having not run outside in so long ... well, that will add to the "sore" situation.  But it is 57 degrees and a peaceful run might be just what I need (i.e. I can't see myself doing intervals on the treadmill - ugh).

As far as "worth-it" today, I don't know.  Right now, it all sounds disgusting.  But when afternoon rolls around and I've been working all day ... probably will be calling-my-name.  I don't have the energy or motivation to care (either way).  I'm burned out.  Today should be the last of it (mostly) so either way is okay.  I might be so busy hosting, that I don't eat/drink much at all.  But I'm not fighting it today.  The rest of the week will be "normal" with sleep and rest and recovery and fun.  So today can be what it is ... bam, I said it.  I deserve to cut myself a break.

18 people, 3 littles, 1 extra dog ... a house in disarray ... a to-do list a mile long ... a tired mama.  ONE LAST DAY!  I will find my HAPPY and my MERRY and get my bottom in gear to play hostest-with-the-mostest-something. ("hostest" autocorrected to "hottest" ... thank you, I needed that today)

Boxing Day 2016 - let's get it going.  Later gators.

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Santa has come.

Merry Christmas!

Up early, gifts under tree, breakfast prepped.  Finishing my drinks and heading to workout.

My neck is getting better - yea.  I ate well last night and no alcohol.  My headache helped with that decision.  I'm playing the worth-it game again today.  (Tomorrow will be an indulge day ... that I've decided.)

All day in the kitchen yesterday (including more cookies since the "stash" magically disappeared).  Dinner was good though.

The Boxing Day party continues to grow.  More the merrier???  Sure.  I love to have a group over, it's the timing that's stressful this time.  But it will be lots of fun.  Fingers crossed on the food.  I've had some flops lately lol.

The dog woke me up twice last night.  For no reason ... just a belly rub.  I swear he knows it's Christmas.  Once the trees are up, he starts sniff-searching for his gifts.  When the presents go under the tree, he gets crazy excited.  When the kids get up, we send him outside and make his gift pile.  He loves it (so do I)!  He has some great gifts this year!

My workout today will be using my Christmas present.  I'm doing my first all-weights home workout.  Tomorrow is a run day and I think the weather will be good for an outside run.  I have to get up really early to prep the (2 pm) party so the stars might align on that one.  I miss the peaceful runs in the morning.  I thought about switching it up and running today (I always run on Christmas) but that messes up the Tuesday lift.  I'll warm-up with a walk on the treadmill and Christmas music blasting away.  Fun!!

Today's kitchen starts with a big breakfast.  Most of the work is done on it (the hard stuff at least).  Just lots of quick cooking items left.  Then we are having a "spread" for the Steelers game and Christmas dinner. Some will do double duty for appetizers for tomorrow.  But presents in between and some down-time.

I'm looking forward to finding my MERRY today.  Later gators.

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Christmas Eve

Santa comes tonight (for the dog) and I'm so excited.  He's happy all day long, squeaking with joy while he licks his new toys.  (We are all adults, so we're not as exciting lol.)

I majorly screwed up the pies.  Hopefully, the "real" pie is okay.  The "preview" pie went crazy ... overflowed, practically started a fire, burned on top, didn't cook apples.  OMG.  What happened?!?!  5 hours running the oven on self-clean.  All is well this morning.  The upside - I didn't have to contend with "preview" pie cravings.  I switched the temperature (to turn down part way through) ... maybe I missed entered it.  I also baked more cookies - those were fine.

My neck is a big old pain still.  Headache galore - Advil like crazy.  It doesn't help that I need to spend the next 3 more days in the kitchen.  I've been going to bed early to be able to relax my neck.  Tonight is a problem since my youngest didn't request off work.  Dinner will be late ... maybe around 8pm.  That's going to be a problem for my head and neck.  I'm not sure how it's going to shake out.

Today is a workout rest day.  I'm happy to have it.  Yoga was nice yesterday - what my body needed.  Mostly stretching, a little "effort" and some meditation.  Christmas is a home lifting day.  Perfect timing!!

In other good news -- presents all wrapped.  I did some yesterday and hubby finished it off.  Awesome "to-do" off my list.

Today is final grocery store run (for stuff for Monday) and in the kitchen preparing.  My kids LOVE food traditions and (unfortunately) the foods I started making for the holidays are all a pain-in-the-butt lol.  Ribs (messy and have to be sliced raw ... I worry for my fingers every year ... knock-wood), apple pies (messy and lots of prep), mashed potatoes (lots of prep - including bacon making, etc), individual choices of cookies.  Every year I suggested something new (with my hardest sell) and get struck down.  Guess "sales" aren't my thing!  Sometimes it makes me smile (when it's not the holidays) and other times I can't wait to have it finished (now).

I need to focus on my HAPPY over the next few days.  I don't feel well and that's making me grumpy about the tasks at hand.  But it's Christmas and HAPPY (outside of a bottle of wine) should be easy to find.  Wish me luck.  Merry Christmas.

Friday, December 23, 2016

Pie Day

Today is bake-the-pies day.  I'm not a huge fan ... even with Christmas music to keep me company.  And it's start-wrapping-presents day.  Everything is purchased, just needs to be wrapped.  Also a back breaking activity.

Before it all starts, YOGA.  I haven't done any yoga in months.  Wish me luck lol!

Cleaning ladies this morning so we all need to make ourselves scarce.  Starbucks it is ... for a little while at least.  (Unfortunately, yoga doesn't start until later.)  I have such a love-hate relationship with cleaning day.

My neck is still a problem.  It feels great when I workout, but that's the only time.  It's giving me such a headache.  Not very fun.  Advil is barely helping and I'm not thrilled to take it round-the-clock.

Yesterday was another good eating day.  It feels so good.  I woke up ahead of my alarm today ... that's what eating healthy does for me.  Today is my last mandated "no treats" day.  I'll have to make some "worth it" decisions for the 3 days of Christmas celebrations. I'd like to say I have it under control, but who knows.  As it stands, my plan was to indulge a bit Christmas Eve, on track Christmas and indulge Boxing Day (when we have a big group over).

Did I mention I'm sick of the on-off, on-off, on-off of these last 3 months?  Feel good, feel less-good ... and repeat.  I really need to take a minute and "work" the worth-it method.  Indulging is feeling less-worth-it right now and maybe it is.  (I don't want to regret not celebrating though ... that can backfire too.)  Oh the joys of my mixed up brain thinking lol!

Still plugging along with War and Peace. I'm almost finished the first of three volumes.  The further I read, the more determined I am to finish.  I want bragging rights lol!  I've wasted taken up a lot of time ... finishing makes it worth-it.

With Christmas on a Sunday, I'm so mixed up with my days-of-the-week this week.  Today feels like Christmas Eve.  It's like a bonus day (to get everything done).  The list is still too long, but I did a lot ahead (thankfully).  I'm on the final stretch.  Best get at it.  Later gators.

Thursday, December 22, 2016


Whew ... I did it.  Back to my "normal."  I ate well (with strong determination) and climbed the slide. I'm still teetering on the edge, but one step at a time.

Rules ... hard and fast rules ... they work for me.  I have a stretch of crazy temptation days ahead.  I need to rock-the-rules.

I feel better this morning.  No face bloat, up early, no stomach upset.  That's why the resisting is WORTH IT!! The day was HAPPY, HEALTHY and PRODUCTIVE.  A cookie wasn't part of any of it.

Some bummer news ... my neck still hurts.  Actually, a lot.  It's giving me a whopper of a headache too ... right in the base of my skull and up the side of my head.  Ugh.  I've been popping the Advil (which helps).

Today is lifting (love it) and lunch with a friend.  I need a minute of friend time this week between the busy.  Some house chores and a shopping errand (hopefully the last gift) finish the "list."  Then the kitchen marathon and present wrapping extravaganza begin tomorrow.  I hope my neck feels better before those adventures.

Here's to another HAPPY and HEALTHY day.  Both are my choice.

Later gaters.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

For the love of COOKIES - UGH

OMG ... yes ... another post-of-shame this morning.  I ate well all day ... then a big celebration dinner for my eldest who got a full-time job yesterday.  And I indulged.  Yes, even hit the cookies.  Oh boy.  Not what I want to do, but I enjoyed it.  (That's a bit worrisome ... I can't just throw in the towel that easily.)

I'm officially sliding.

The next 3 days are Whole30 days.  Period.  No exceptions.  No celebrations.  The house is filled with temptations, treats, goodies, wine ... you name it.  I didn't expect this level of a RED ZONE.  Time to fight fire with fire.  Hello W30.  The end of all this gluttony is near and now I'm faltering.  I need my rules back ... ASAP.

The good news is it usually only takes one day to be back at it (why ... because I feel so good when I eat well).

In other news ... elliptical is curb-side.  We'll rearrange the room soon.  I want to think about it for a little while ... it's a pain to move everything so I want to get it right the first time.  Lifting went well.  My neck is feeling a lot better this morning.  Should be fine by tomorrow.

Today is a "bonus" workout after travel rest days over the weekend.  It will be light, fun ... just something to get the old body moving ... a mix of treadmill and tabata.  Tabata is cancelled for Friday, so I signed up for a regular flow yoga class.  Why not ... something different.  I didn't want to use the treadmill 3 days this week (too much on my knees).

I'm hitting the BIG 3 of grocery stores today.  Whole Foods, Costco and Trader Joe's.  Oh the crowds (and kids with little carts).  Wish me luck.  Today might be a 2 coffee day!  It's a good day to practice finding HAPPY in all that I do.

I better get moving.  I've been sleeping later (staying up later) and probably a lingering carb-coma too.  I like getting up earlier - more productive.  Later gators.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

At least it was HAPPY!

HAPPY, but not clean eating.  Pizza, wine and dessert for dinner.  Ugh ... but sort of worth it.  Fun night with the family ... casual, relaxed. We all had a busy, hard working day and spent the evening laughing, eating, blowing off steam.

But ...

You know the deal.  It's even a bigger MUST today.  I seem to drag out the back-to-normal by an extra day lately.  I hope to report a healthy day today.

Anyway ...

So much done yesterday.  It felt really good.  House looks back to normal (as much as it will with kids home lol).  Still a few things left to clean-up, but they need to hit the washer first.

Today is not as stressed, but it's still busy.  I hurt my neck while running yesterday.  I turned it "funny" and now I have a really stiff neck.  I'm walking around with my head all tipped over.  We'll see how it does lifting today.

Tonight, we (the boys) are moving the elliptical curb-side for trash.  I'm ready to say good-bye to that cardio.  It aggravates my knees (much more than running), it's old, squeaky, rusty ... time to go.  I don't think anyone else would want it.  I scheduled a bulk trash pick-up.  (Since we're gated now, no one trash picks lol.)  We're going to rearrange and make some good space to lift and do tabata (yoga) stuff.  The room is small and the boys' weight bench takes up half the room.  There was very little floor space.  I'm excited!

Not much else to report this morning.  I'll do my usual routine this morning (dog walk, coffee, etc).  Then baking more dog treats (I include my sweet dog in everything I can ... holiday baking too lol).  Lifting followed by kitchen time cooking some healthy stuff.  I bought a turkey on sale yesterday and it's prepping overnight for today.  Yum and yum.

Okay, time to get moving.  Later gators.

Monday, December 19, 2016

Home "Sweet" Home

We are back after a fantastic weekend (even an ice storm couldn't dampen the day).  It was such a proud time ... loved every minute.  Even the awful drive was manageable.  But, I'm SO glad to be home now.

Eating ... well good and bad.  Those darn travel cookies and cheese got the best of me (or I let them get the best of me).  Today MUST be back to normal.  My choice (does this all sound familiar ... I could cut-and-paste from other posts lol).

Workout (I need it), then grocery store.  Stocking back up on the good stuff.

Today is an organization day.  My eldest just moved home (temporarily) and all his "stuff" came with him.  Lots to get cleaned up.  He's working most of the day, but I want to knock out as much as I can (ahead of trash day).  LOTS to do!!

So many people were sick ... my eldest, his girlfriend, people sitting near us ... lordy, I'm trying to steer clear.  Back to wiping everything down lol.

Got through some real-estate in War and Peace.  Proudly in the 300+ area.  Still not "wonderful," but still readable.  I think the finish line is in my future (before I'm 90).

This week is busy, busy, busy.  As soon as the clean-up is over, gears switch to Christmas.  Three days of meals and cooking (all that need to be purchased ... hello grocery stores).  Oh boy.  I'm glad I have so many other things out of the way.  Huge help.  With all this on the horizon, I need to eat well, sleep well and NOT get sick.  Here's hoping ...

I love the holidays and I love when they are over.

Okay, glad to be back to all this routine with plenty of variety.  Time to get some lists written.  Later gators.  Making this a clean eating, HAPPY day.

Friday, December 16, 2016

Good (VERY) early morning.

Up even extra, extra early today.  We have a 10 hour car ride and apparently 5pm dinner reservations (made by others who have a 2 hour drive).  That got my panties in a bunch yesterday, but I'm trying to stay calm.  It will be tight, but we'll do our best to make the reservation.

Anyway ...

Such an exciting weekend.  So proud of be the mom of a college graduate!  And my youngest scored another 4.0 this semester.  Proud mama bear moments.  Love these kids.

This is the last "trip" for us for a little while.  The break will feel good.  We can "nest" at home and get some routine back next month.

War and Peace is coming on the drive (I'm lucky to have no problem reading in the car).  I'm cruising ... page 162 lol.  It's not a bad book, not a good book and I can only read for about 15 min at a time.  Maybe my reading muscle will grow as I continue on.  One of the best-books-ever-written is not synonymous with the-most-enjoyable-book-ever-written ... at least for me ... so far.  There are SO MANY characters, it's hard to feel committed yet.  Stay tuned ...

Workout today will probably be a hodge-podge of whatever-I-feel-like.  Just something to get the body moving and awake.  Mix of run and tabata.

My lunch and snack are all packed and ready for the car ride.  I plan to keep this weekend pretty clean eating, but allowing a few glasses of wine over the next 2 nights.  The big "red zone" will be the drive home on Sunday and Sunday night.  I have some food frozen for when we get home - I know I will mentally want to relax ... AND there is a freezer FULL of cookies.  I need to be careful.  And I'm sure my bathroom situation will be all messed up so I'll be bloated and feeling yucky.  It helps to predict and expect it.  Stay tuned (again) ...

Okay ... better run.  Making sure to find my HAPPY this weekend and roll with the punches (and early dinner lol).  Later gators.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

I have the T-shirt to prove it!

CNN was fun and interesting ... plus I got a great new shirt to workout in lol.  Washed and ready to wear today.

Treadmill was good yesterday.  Lifting today.  A VERY early rise for some version of a workout tomorrow ... that will feel like a throw-back to my working days - ha.  Working out on the trip would be a big old pain.  This is the lesser of evils and most appropriate.  I'll have 2 days off and then hit the workouts hard next week.  Being able to schedule workouts around quick trips and not feel the need I MUST workout is liberating.  Cuts my packing in half, no smelly clothes to deal with, no scoping hotel gyms, no waking hubby early when I go to workout.  I won't miss more than one day of a workout though... then the gym bag comes along.

I'm finding myself a bit grumpy this week.  The weekend's mood had an explanation, this week is more a feeling of overwhelm bitching me out ... from holidays to empty nest ending (temporarily).  I'm in my head complaining about too much.  I'm making an effort today to bring the HAPPY back, enjoy this awesome time and be GRATEFUL.

This will require some effort, but it will be worth it.  Grumpy is a default setting for me over the years.  Time to change that bad habit.

Cookies.  Need I say more.  Lordy, they called to me last night.  I resisted, but it was a big head conversation.  I really want to hold tough on this choice - I think choosing differently will head me down the slope.  I will relax things on Christmas - maybe ... but all these regular days are "red zone" and I need "rules" in place.

I'm not sure if I wrote about this before, but it bares repeating.  The problem with so many BIG EVENTS (most that span days) is the rest of the days in-between lose their wiggle room.  I like having wiggle room on regular days and that feels like how-I-want-to-be.  Lately, it's feeling like on-and-off again.  But I need the balance.

I also think I need to make some hard choices over the next 4 weeks.  AKA Christmas can't be a full splurge all three days of celebrations ... it's too much.  I'll feel crappy, my pants will be tight and that will put me on coarse for the slippery slope.  I need to reign in the go-for-it eating and drinking and be more mindful of my choices.  I've had enough, I don't need it ALL.

That's all for today.  Tomorrow may or may not be a quick post while I drink my tea.  Then I'll catch up on the other end of the trip.  Exciting and so proud of my eldest ... my college graduate!  Wish me luck on the big drive (and winter storm).  Later gators.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016


Today is the CNN VIP tour (we splurged for the $35 tickets lol).  It a thing-to-do in Atlanta which no one local ever does (because it's so close and can always be done).  We are playing tourist today and checking it out.  Thank you My Happiness Project.

Yesterday was pleasantly uneventful.  Nails done, baking finished, errands run.

I did get a call from my aunt yesterday asking me to host a Boxing Day family meal since some family will be in town.  I'm glad to do it (it's my turn) ... just wish it were a different day.  That's 3 big cooking days in a row ... at the end of the season.  My relaxing Christmas will now be meal prep (they want an early meal so some can get on the road).  It will be fun though.  I did some meal switching so ham wins.  This grouping of family has a ton of food issues and you need to be creative to accommodate everyone.  Ham (with sandwich set up), salad bar (with goodies on the side), funeral potatoes and that's that.  Not hard, just yucky timing.

Today is my switched rest day so treadmill intervals heading my way.  I'm glad I made the switch ... my knees are much happier today.  Friday will be a really early run day.  I was thinking of an outside run, but it might be below freezing.  I'm paranoid of black ice and the cold will activate my rosacea.  Treadmill might be repeating Friday.  I need to have a second interval routine ... I'll give it some thought.  It's really warm this morning ... wish I had thought of outdoor run today.  It's too late now - buses on the road.

My eating was good yesterday.  I stayed clear of the cookies.  I really want to completely avoid them this year, but I'm not sure if I will.  The choice is mine (I know), but I don't completely trust myself.  I know one will lead to many and that's the problem.  Less than a month of holiday cheer left.  Graduation, Christmas, New Year's and girls' weekend.  That's the end for a little while.  I need a stretch of no big social stuff lol.

Okay folks.  Off to finish my tea and hit that old treadmill.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Freaky Monday

What a day.

First, my shower was interrupted by my plumber call-back.  "I'm in the neighborhood, I can come right over."  We have 3 faucet problems - one that was an urgent issue.  Great, but not great.  I had soap in my hair, soup on the stove, bacon in the oven and I just was planning a quick shower (and a leg shave).  No shave, but I did my hair (very quickly).

Cookie batter made while faucets got fixed (and no water).  Nice - that was relatively painless.  I decided to run and get a coffee and drop off my dry cleaning before I baked the cookies.

Tire blow out.  Tow to the dealership with my 100 lb dog.  Three hours "managing" him without his gentle leader (he pulls like crazy) and he was excited, nervous, confused, scared.  And I missed lunch. What an afternoon.

Came home and baked the cookies.  Got to all but one (I'll do it today).

And I kept to my plan.  That was a miracle.  I wanted that dough like I can't even tell you.  I'm proud of ME.  All this with a mood to end all moods (and my constant PMS hunger).  (Mood over today ... finally!!)

Looking for a more "normal" day today.  I'll finish baking the cookies (round one that is) and get my nails done (I think).  I have a list of stuff ahead of our trip to graduation.  I need to map everything out and figure out the plan.  I am crampy and yucky today, but it's the final step to feeling back to myself again ... I'll take it.

Tonight is my last night of whitening.  My teeth are mildly bothering me, but nothing horrible.  It's good to know I can "correct" my bad staining habits.  Bring on the coffee - guilt-free!  My teeth look good - not Hollywood white, but perfectly nice.  Now it's just an occasional maintenance.

Today is lifting at noon.  I don't like to wait so long to workout, but it's what works best right now.  I'll either bake this morning or get my nails done ... decisions, decisions.

Okay, that's the scoop.  I hope to report nothing special tomorrow lol. Later gators.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Still missing the holy-jollies

This is a dragged out, down-n-dirty PMS.  Still going ... hopefully moving beyond today.

Time for true confessions of a moody bitch.
I hit the "treats" last night.  Brownies, sandwiches with cheese, more cheese.  Not my happy place.  Big girl panties on now.  No more - period (no pun intended).  I felt like crap last night.  Sore throat, moody, headache, moody, achy, moody, stuffed sinuses ... you get the idea.  I just gave up and gave in.  I really don't want to get sick (and eating junk was just the solution - ugh).

My youngest is back at school today for his final exam.  I cloroxed the entire house lol.

I think I'm going to take a rest day from working out.  I usually don't make a same-day decision, but hear me out.  This needs to be a modified schedule this week since we are going out of town.  Also, my knees are a bit crunchy from the run yesterday.  I don't want to run again today.  I also lifted yesterday and will again tomorrow.  It doesn't give me much of a choice for today.  I will have a more solid workout if I switch with Wednesday.  I'm also not feeling it mentally today.  I have a day in the kitchen planned and I want to get at it.  My concern is I need to eat healthy today.  No excuses.  Without the mental "lift" from my workout, can I do it?  Duh ... yes I can.  Always and forever my choice.

Here's some good news.  This weekend was the last of the big, must-indulge, party-like-crazy days of this crazy 4 months.  We have lots of special days left, but none revolve around as much around alcohol.  I made it.  A bit beat up, a bit out of form this morning ... but I still standing (and fitting into my pants).  Now to return to my regularly scheduled health.  That feels hard this morning (that darn mood still getting me).

The slippery slope is way too close.  Time to take some steps back - quickly.  Okay, the kitchen is calling.  I'm starting with (finally) making my soup and then beginning the cookie-palooza.  Wish me luck health.  My goal is to be able to report a good day today.  I need a small win with a baby step - that's all it takes to get the ball rolling.

P.S.  I'm making some progress with War and Peace.  Reading a little every day.  Rumor has it, the first 100 pages are the most difficult with so many characters introduced.  I'm almost there lol.

Sunday, December 11, 2016

The Day After

Fun night last night.  I ate and drank ... moderately-ish.  I feel just fine this morning, but I'm glad to have the "treats" finished.  No monthly friend yet .. still moody, etc.  I want to eat to feel my best today.  (Of course, this is MORNING ME talking ... I hope EVENING ME is just as resolved lol!)

My youngest came home a few days early (unexpectedly).  He's sick with a cold and wanted to be home to study in peace with some TLC.  Happy to have him home ... wish he didn't bring along the germs.  I feel destined to get sick this week.  So many people hacking last night.  UGH!

We have our Steelers gathering today.  I have a big to-do list and now that I need to take care of my youngest (aka feed him), I wish we took a pass on it.  It will be fun, but I have to get going on a bunch of things.  I'd send my hubby alone, but her husband is out of town.  That would be awkward.

My mood is scary this morning.  I wanted to sleep in since it was a late night last night ... hubby woke me up and then promptly fell back to sleep.  What a bum lol (my mood used different language).  I'm having a hate-all-things morning.

Tomorrow is the start of baking.  I plan to make 3 cookies if the baking gods are with me - fingers crossed.

Please, please, please do not get sick!!  I don't have time to slow down these next two weeks.  That's why I'm bummed to not have today to get started with stuff ... I have a feeling I'm going to need it.  Maybe it's my mood being doomy and gloomy.

I feel like working out like I feel like a hole in the head.  But I will.  I'll see how I it goes and I won't push too hard today.  My energy gets zapped ahead of my monthly buddy.  I wish we had time for our Sunday hike.  I'd enjoy it today, but I think it's just too tight to fit in this morning.

Okay, enough of my bitch-and-moan session.  Tomorrow's post will be more holy-jolly (hopefully).

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Christmas Party

Today is our GNI holiday party (hubbies included).  I'm looking forward to the night.  We are having a couple over for a drink before the party ... a warm-up, catch-up and an excuse to try a highly recommended bottle of wine (yep, red ... only 3 more applications of strips ... I'm going for it!).

*TMI Alert*
Today (and possibly tomorrow) are my heavy PMS days ... cravings, big appetite, moody.  This is the 3rd time it's timed out exactly with a "party" night.  (And I didn't even pick the date.)  It's going to be a challenge.
*TMI Alert Over*

So I have a plan that's not exactly a plan.  I want to eat, drink and be merry.  This will be a really fun night with lots of good friends.  It's 3 houses down the street - no driving.  It's also my last "event" before my empty nest comes to a screeching halt until the end of summer (between both kids and possibly a girlfriend added to the mix).  I don't want to restrict, think about what I'm eating ... I just want to enjoy it.

However ...

I don't want to feel crappy tomorrow (and possibly Monday depending on my "misery" arrival).  We have Steelers game plans tomorrow afternoon and I'm baking all day Monday.  Red zones galore and combined with feeling crappy ... I just don't know.  I'm just back to my old, new self from last weekend's festivities.  This social life is going to kill me lol!

Also, we have graduation coming next weekend.  I found a cute winter dress (for the celebration dinner) and an outfit to wear for graduation.  I want both to feel comfortable and fit well.  And I want to feel great.  I don't need a bloated stomach to mess up the works.  I will have time to "recover" from a big night out before we leave, but the key is ONE big night out ... not a Steelers game blow-out, cookie dough sampling, etc.

I will also say, I'm getting tired of being in "recovery" mode.  It's feeling a little like all-or-nothing swinging.  It can't be helped.  I just have such a full calendar (I know ... what a problem to have lol!!) I could really use a slow-down.

So my plan is to enjoy, but be careful.  As much as I don't want to "think" about it, I need to ... this can't be a feed fest.  I know I can balance enjoying and still feeling okay (not great, but okay).  I've done it before.  FOCUS, FOCUS, FOCUS!

And balance is key.  Too much restriction and I'll end up face first in a bowl of cookie dough Monday.

This post has been one big pep rally for walking my walk, finding the balance, doing MY thing.  Maybe it's good to get PMS and a party over all at once.  Lord help me (again).

Friday, December 9, 2016

MHP Update

I thought I'd give another update to My Happiness Project (since I don't have much to say this morning).

Going strong (I'm full of puns).  I might give it a bit of a tweak when the new year begins, but I'm happy with my progress.  My knee feels the best it's felt, no other injuries and I AM getting stronger.

Also going well.  This is the mother-load of all social challenges (for 4 months!!).  We have some big trips next year, but the social calendar should slow down.  Funny enough, that slow-down (i.e. change) will cause me a struggle (always does).  The plan is to be ready and have a plan.  I haven't been perfect, but I learn each time and it gets easier to make the "healthy" (class 1 experience) choice.   If this is what my food freedom looks like, I'd be HAPPY.

Duh ... yep ... a bit too much lol.  I just have one friend to add to my schedule and one trip to Canada to get on the calendar.  It's been fun, rewarding, joyful, tiring, challenging and TOTALLY WORTH IT!!

Epic fail (so far).  I've been reading regularly, but everything BUT my list.  War and Peace is coming back off the shelf.  All the books are "big" reads and daunting to start (but should all be worth the effort).  I need to focus.

I've seen a couple of things on my classic movie list.  This seems more like winter fun, so I've actually been waiting to watch.

I've hit most on the list.  Still a few to do.  I try to incorporate "trying" into my regular days ... fun, variety ... makes me HAPPY.

Slowing moving through the list.  I'm going to take the CNN tour next week.  Most of the "things" are in downtown Atlanta.  Getting there, dealing with traffic ... kind of a bummer.  It's also more of a winter (when things slow-down) kind of a list.  I'm looking forward to working through it.

REGULAR TASKS (new recipe, rosetta stone, being nice)
New recipes I'm nailing well.  Rosetta stone ... well, I finally found it ... but no progress (it's still on the list though).  Being nice ... daily reminder, but I'm improving!

MHP has been great.  It's forcing me to use my hiatus time wisely, to grow in different aspects, to search for what makes my regular life HAPPY ... what makes ME HAPPY.

And it continues on ... TBC.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

To-Do is To-Done!

I did it!  I made it through a honker of a list today.  I feel accomplished and satisfied.  I'm now siting on the sofa, heating pad on my back, tea in hand and remote ready for some TV time.  That works.

I made a new recipe today.  Asian meatballs.  Super delicious.  They'll enter the regular rotation.  I almost bagged it as I have a full plate (pun noted) and this seemed too much.  That said, I am tired of my regular stuff and I was heading to the store anyway.  I cranked the Christmas music and got it done.  Leftovers for tomorrow.  Probably not enough to freeze, but next time I might double things.  A yea-ME moment.  I have another new recipe tomorrow - mango avocado salsa.  The mango needs another day so I'm holding off until tomorrow.  Sounds really delicious too.  And I'll make more tomato soup to freeze ... it's a great staple to have on-hand.

Tomorrow will be a fun day.  Shopping, shopping and more shopping.  I went through my purchased pile and I see the holes ... I'll try to fill some of them tomorrow.  Plus a new outfit for me for eldest's graduation ... if I can find something.  Fun!!

My cold-ish thing is holding on.  I had to take some cold meds this afternoon.  Fingers crossed this is the worst of it.

Lifting was good.  Tabata tomorrow.  Then a rest day.  90 minute massage in lieu of a morning workout.  Well earned and I can't wait!

Okay, just a quick check in.


I miss it.  A part of my morning routine has (temporarily) changed and I'm bummed.  It's a self-inflicted change as I read coffee and red wine can irritate the teeth while whitening.  It also seems counterproductive to add stain while taking it off ... two steps forward, one back type of thing.  I don't know if it even makes a difference.  Six more days.  I may or may not continue with these restrictions, but for today, I will.

Anyway, yesterday was a great day.  I ended up doing a full workout - it felt good.  Shopping was fun and I got some things off my list.  Lunch was spot-on and delicious.  Afterwards, I did some more errands ... got a number of things off my list.  Again, the more prepared I am, the more I will enjoy everything.

Today's list is long, but if I get it done it will go a long way to help me get everything ready.  I've enjoyed the process and my HAPPY comes from getting things off my list.  I was not in the mood to decorate the house, but now that's it's done, I'm enjoying it.  Organization is key.

Today is a lift day.  I wasn't sore until yesterday afternoon.  My back and shoulders are stiff.  Whenever we put the bar behind the neck, I feel the burn lol.  I image as I get stronger, that will go away.  My legs are tired (not sore) but they will be put through the ringer today.  I like Thursdays ... the class is in the morning - so much better.

I still feel like I have a mild cold (or bad allergies).  I need to take a dose of cold medicine to get to sleep.  My sinuses pound when I lay down.  The mornings feel yucky too, but I can work through it without taking anything.

I have my next week and a half planned out (with some mixes of fun).  I'll enjoy each day since I don't feel overwhelmed.  My HAPPY should be nice and strong over the holidays ... but it takes work to make it happen.  A big "take" from MHP is that HAPPY is a kind of forward energy, not passive.  It takes work, effort, planning, reminding, correcting (at least for ME).

I still haven't made progress on War and Peace, but I want to make that happen.  I'm almost finished with my downloaded book and I need to make a plan.  I just don't know what the plan should look like ...  mandatory reading time ... no new books ... start now ... start in January.  I am toying with the idea of making it my New Year's resolution. I like it because it takes the pressure off December.  I want to enjoy the process, not dread it.  I'll keep thinking on it.

Even though December is a packed month, I'm still doing some new Happiness Project items.  Sneaking them in here and there.  I'll tell you about them later :-)  This post has gone long lol.  Off to start my day.  Later gators.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Deck the Halls

All done.  I plowed through the entire decorating yesterday.  I started early and took breaks to do other things so it wasn't too tiring.  And I didn't put out everything this year.  The trees have fewer ornaments, no nativity set-up and some other things trimmed from the list.  It's all good.  The house looks nice and it took some pressure off me.  I also cleaned out the decorations and gave 2 boxes to the GoodWill.

I realized that adding my eldest's graduation to the mix of December was causing a pile-up of all things holiday.  I needed to give myself a break.  And I really am busy all month, so I wanted to get this off my list.  I also mailed the Christmas cards.  Oh joy ... it's now beginning to look a lot like Christmas lol.

I have my cookie list to make next week (I might start some things this week if I have time ... and feel I can resist the dough!!).  The more I prep, the more I enjoy the holidays.

I am a bit behind on the shopping list.  I need to get some fillers for the boys.  It might just be in the way of gift cards - which they like anyway.  I like to have at least one "fun" gift to get them.  Maybe they are just too old now ... this year I'm plumb out of ideas.

Today is a shopping day with a girlfriend.  (All boutiques, nothing for the men in my life.)  I need one girlfriend gift so I'll look for that today.

I miss my morning hot coffee.  Just tea this last week as I whiten.  It's going really well.  Some mild to moderate sensitivity but nothing I can't tolerate.  I have 7 more applications if all continues to go well.  I'm staying away from red wine and hot coffee until I'm finished.  My teeth look so much better.  I feel relieved!!  I can have my coffee and wine AND my white teeth too lol.  My hubby is going to give them a go ... he's shocked how much whiter my teeth look.

Yesterday's lift was great.  It's not until noon and I did so much before, I almost forgot to go.  For as much as I "craved" cardio yesterday, I have no desire today.  I'm only doing a quick interval run and a bit of abs.  Just to get some sweat going.  I still feel like I'm fighting something so I'm not going to push too much.

My food choices have been good the last couple of days.  But I think I'm eating too much at dinner ... eating past what I need ... not wanting to stop eating.  I'm going to work on changing that today.

Okay folks.  Heading for my run, remembering my HAPPY and making this a joyful day.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Back to the ATL

Home again, again!!

I had a good trip.  It was interesting, nice, strange and fun to see my "long lost" family.  We caught up and spent time dividing pictures and memorabilia my mom didn't want anymore.  It was a nice to walk down memory lane and learn new things about great, great, great people in the family.

My favorite take-away is a locket that belonged to my grandmother's grandmother with a picture of her mother in it.  That's a lot of "greats."  I need to get a chain to wear it.  I want to wear it like a choker-style so I can see it.

My plan had some good and some less good.  The dinners were the less-good in the eating and drinking area.  Some was to be polite and some was me.  It wasn't horrible, just not as careful as I thought I'd be.  No quick exercise on Monday as I'm fighting a cold.  I decided it was better to have another day off and just add Wednesday as a run day.

I got back on track yesterday (proud of that accomplishment) and expecting a good week leading up to a big party on Saturday.  I might go into withdrawal from socializing come January!  I need to have a break from eating treats for a little while - I just don't feel as good as I want to feel.

Hubby left for out of town, so pantry and freezer are "clean" from temptations.  I have a frozen stash of food I'm hitting up for a couple of days until I'm back to feeling better.

This week is decorating-the-house week.  I must get it finished by Friday when the cleaning ladies come.  I'll plan an hour a day (more if I'm up to it).  I want to go through the bins and weed out some stuff so it will take longer this year.  Next week is baking-the-cookies week.  I'm trying to have the cookies in the house for as little time as possible.  They are a big temptation and get me "started" down a slippery slope if I have just one.

Overall, I'm doing well with moderation and living-my-new lifestyle.  But there are so, so, so many things going on these last few months ... I can see the slope ahead and I feel a bit too close.  This week is going to be important to be rock-steady on my resolve.  Cravings at night are pretty strong right now.  This is a sign of having "too much" and another gateway into giving in.

Focus, clarity, resolve.  My intention this week.

Today is lift day at the studio.  I'm in the mood for cardio, but sticking with the schedule.  It will feel good to workout again.

Okay, so much more to catch up on ... but it can wait for another post.  Later gators.  It's going to be a HAPPY day.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Philadelphia or Bust

I'm flying out this morning.

Early rising to get an extra workout this week (treadmill and some weights) so I don't need to exercise on the trip.  I'll have Sunday rest day and Monday I'll do some abs and arms in the bedroom - quick down & dirty.  It saves me a lot of trouble and packing.

I think my new hair stylist will be great.  She had some new ideas and cut my hair differently.  I'm happy I made the change.  We'll see when I style it (keratin treatment on now, so hard to tell).  I really did get polished up this week lol.

Whitening also went well.  I see a difference - yea.  The sensitivity is still tolerable so plugging on.  I brought 2 applications for my trip and a bottle of white wine lol (they will only have red).  Maybe that's a little overboard, but red is also acidic and will increase sensitivity.  I want an option to have a drink (or two).

I miss my morning coffee.  I thought it best to give it up while I whiten for the same reasons as red wine.  (I still get a Starbucks iced americano later - I'm not that crazy - and it's with a straw!)

I like my eating plan for the weekend.  There will be good options for some of the meals, but not for all of them (i.e. pizza for lunch).  I'm going to roll with the punches.  I'll drink a little, but not a lot (a number of reasons).   My mom tried to accommodate some of my food "issues," but she seems to have trouble understanding everything.  She made a dessert she "can't wait for me to try" but it's made with whipped cream - I'm lactose intolerant - for the last 20 years.  I don't expect her (or anyone) to serve around my preferences, but some things are not negotiable in my eating world (broccoli, heavy lactose, grapes, pork, etc).  It's not a big deal - not being able to have dessert simplifies my choices.  For the rest, I'll moderate.

I have a good balance when I travel right now.  Keeping some of the routine, relaxing on other things and enjoying myself.  The intention on this trip is spend time with family I haven't seen in years and help my mom have a great 70th birthday.

I debated taking War and Peace with me.  I will get some good reading time on the flights.  The problem is, it is an actual book - heavy and I need to be careful not to crinkle it up.  It might be more trouble than it's worth.  I think I'll start a bit of a reading schedule when I get home - I've made practically no progress and it's a lot of reading!!  But the other issue is I will start a new book on the plane and will need to finish it too.  War & Peace keeps getting bumped and I still want to give this a solid go-at-it.

Okay, time to get going.  Until next week ...

Friday, December 2, 2016


What is done you might be wondering??  MY CHRISTMAS CARDS!!  Stuffed, addressed, stamped and ready to be mailed next week.  This has NEVER happened!  I can't even blame work for delaying me every year - it has nothing to do with how busy I am.  I just cannot get my act together to get everything done.  This year - act together and BAM.

In lieu of starting decorations, I hit the Christmas cards hard.  I didn't plan to finish, but I went for it.  I feel like I climbed the biggest holiday mountain.  Oh such pleasure!!

What else ... hmmmm ... made the green bean recipe.  OMG delicious.  I couldn't finish them (2 lbs of green beans - no wonder).  I'll see if they hold for leftovers.  I also did some more food prep so I have something to bring on the plane (yep - I do that!).

Today is tabata.  I haven't been to this class in a couple of weeks.  Looking forward to it.

Then hair day.  New hair stylist.  Fingers crossed.

I might not be checking in until Tuesday - depending on a few things.  Heading to Philly tomorrow and back Monday afternoon.  I have a plan in place.  It's flexible and I'll be enjoying a few treats, but not going crazy.

P.S.  My whitening went well last night.  I might actually be able to tolerate it.  I read collagen helps with teeth sensitivity - so maybe that's true.  That stuff rocks!  I only check out my teeth in the mirror a hundred times a day now.  Are they whiter??  Lol.

Okay, this is a quick one this morning.  Hubby is up and working from home.  Later gators.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Pearly Whites

Dentist done - so pleased!  Whitening begun.  One application last night.  I have some good tips from the website and the dentist on how to do it with the least amount of sensitivity.  I have some sensitivity but that could also be from the dentist.  I hope I can do a few applications.  My teeth look great this morning (between cleaning and whitening).

I'm stupidly happy about doing the whitening.  I feel almost guilty when I drink coffee (especially if I have more than one cup).  I have a close family member who doesn't whiten and years of coffee have not been kind.  I fear the same yellow-brick-road path ... so to speak.  If I can take off some stain and do maintenance on that - I'll be happy.  Have my coffee and drink it too!!

Happy hour was great!  Lovely conversation with a great friend, good (and cheap) glass of white wine, no food ... perfect.  I ate before I went and figured I could have something if she wanted to ... but she didn't.

Drive to the restaurant was crazy.  Someone ran a light and almost T-boned me.  My car is amazing.  I really think all the safety features prevented an accident.  I was shaking like a leaf on a tree!!  But last night all I could feel was grateful.  Life can ALWAYS change in a second and I'm grateful last night was not one of those seconds.  And grateful for what IS right now.  I'm a fortunate lady and that moment reminded me of what's important.

Today is lifting.  It's an earlier class (I like that much better).  And it's eyebrow day.  I really am going to be spit-shined clean.  The rest of the day is up in the air.  I might start prepping to decorate - bring stuff upstairs.  I want to clean out the bins this year so one at a time might be less overwhelming.

My nails look good too lol!  I got the same color and sparkles on my 4th nail ... but I guess I picked a different sparkle.  It's more obvious.  I still like it - all subtle (relatively) and neutral.  My nails are harder - so thrilled with the protein powder.

Today is December 1.  The start of a really fun and busy month.  The cold front moved through last night and it feels like "not summer" once again.  Off to make this a HAPPY day.  Later gators.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Dentist - UGH!!

Today is dentist day.  I HATE going to the dentist.  I have a problematic tooth that is ultra sensitive - oh, such nerve zaps.  I hate it so much, I go every 3 months so it's not as long of a process - the 3 months fly.  By 11am it will be over until next year lol.

Now maybe I'm nuts, but starting this week, I'm going to use Crest White Strips for as long as my teeth can stand it.  I'm gradually getting more "yellowed" looking (hello coffee and red wine) and it's aging.  Sensitive teeth hate whitening so I probably won't be able to do it long.  We'll see - a little discomfort for beauty is just fine!

I probably need to cut out some of the coffee while I whiten - bummer.

After the dentist, I'm heading to get my nails done.  The collagen is growing long, strong nails ... but they are way too long now.  Actually, so long I need to clip rather than file.  I'm getting the same neutral color.  I love it.  Cheaper than "american" and a lot faster (I'm so impatient).  It works.

Tonight is happy hour with a friend.  We are meeting for 1/2 price wine at a local restaurant.  I'll stick to one glass (since I'm driving) and probably white since I'm whitening lol.  We might get an appetizer - I hope not because it will be something "bread and cheese."  I'll try to steer to a better option or no food ... we'll see.

This weekend is my mother's birthday in Philadelphia.  I will be drinking and eating "off plan" so I need to minimize the indulgences this week (especially after my 2 snack nights!!).

Cravings are strong at night again.  Probably from eating crappy.  Maybe a little boredom too.  The days are busy, but the nights are boring (I've been going so much lately, a night on the sofa is blasé lol).  But craving don't mean eating - choice is still (and always) mine.  I'm also a bit bored with my chili.  I cooked a bunch of stuff, but it's not wowing me.  I'm going to get lunch from a restaurant that has compliant options - change things up a bit today.

My weight set came last night.  I won't use it until Christmas, but I'm so excited.  We are trashing our elliptical in December (once boys are back to help move it) and rearranging the workout room.  The elliptical has seen better days and it aggravates my knees.  Time to say good-bye.  The room is small and packed - with the elliptical gone it will be much better.

I was up early this morning.  Eating well gets me up early.  I woke up at 4, but stayed in bed until 5 ... now it's only 6:15 ... lots of time to kill before dentist (today is a rest day).  Time can't go fast enough this morning!!  Wish me luck!

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Good Evening Witching Hour


It's the witching hour ... time for the munchie attack.  I'm holding strong though.  Lunch was really late (and big) so I'm no where close to hungry.  I might be finished eating for the night.

Today was good.  File cabinet done.  Sheets washed and bed made.  Lifting was good too.  Not a bad day.

It's 5 o'clock and I'm trying to figure out the evening ... read, rent a movie, start decorating ... I'm being fickle.  I'm also getting stiff after lifting - another good workout.

Anyway, checking in to keep it under control.  See you tomorrow.


We haven't seen rain in over 2 months - drought city.  Today and tomorrow are steady, down pouring rain.  Boy, we need it.  I didn't miss wet-dog smell though.

Today's plans are a bit up-in-the-air.  I have lifting at noon.  I don't love that Tuesdays are a later class - kind of messes up my day.  I'm doing it now, but I might switch it up in January.  Saturday is an early lift class (which works well) but I'm traveling a lot in December and would miss too many classes.  Then I could lift Thursday and Saturday ... something to think about.

My choices for today ...
manicure (I planned for tomorrow, but my nails are really long ... thanks collagen)
clean out file cabinet (not sure if my back will like that after lifting)
shop at Target (I need cleaning stuff, but it's pouring out)

I will do the last of the sheets for the week ... something I dread doing ... who knows why.

Jury is out on the decision.  I probably need to do the sheets and file cabinet.  Just get it over with.  Then I don't need to do my hair or makeup today.  I just feel not-in-the-mood for either ... but getting it done will be a good thing.

A rainy day at home is sometimes a really relaxing, nesting kind of day.  But it can also be an eat-all-day kind of day.  I need to be careful.  I feel great this morning - don't want to go back.  I need to start my Christmas cookie baking since December is a busy month, but I don't trust myself right now with a refrigerator full of dough and a freezer full of cookies.  Knowing myself is a good thing.

Okay, file cabinet and sheets it is (I talked myself into it).  It really is the perfect rainy day activity.

I got a pedicure yesterday with the final amount from my gift certificate.  Red - it's Christmas time - gotta do it.  I'm happy with the shade - some reds are just too red.  Shopping was fun too.  I got a few gifts off my list - perfect.

Refrigerator is full of healthy food.  Yea me!  My new recipe this week (I'll make it for dinner tonight) is coconut, almond green beans.  Sounds easy and delicious.  You cook the green beans in coconut milk, spices and add toasted almonds at the end.  I love green beans - so this is right up my alley.

Okay, time to get to doing those darn sheets.  There must be something HAPPY in washing sheets lol.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Thought for (EVERY) Today.

Oh HAPPY day!

I feel so much better this morning.  Back to my old (new) self.

When I was waiting for the massage yesterday, it was apparent how much nicer it is to find my HAPPY in something other than stuffing my face.  Tony Robbins calls this a Class 1 Experience (feels good and is good for me).  The HAPPY burn lasts long after the experience is over AND there are no regrets worming their way into my brain.

I'm not overjoyed I had 2 nights of mindless feeding (with regrets), but it does help solidify how my new way of eating (and living) makes me feel so much better (physically, emotionally, mentally).  I also want to cut myself a bit of a break.  These last 3 weeks were busy, stressful, packed with activity ... so 2 days ... not the end of the world.  Each time I "go off," I like it a lot less.  It actually was unenjoyable to even eat the food (passed the first couple of bites).  So why did I keep eating??  Ugly habits reared up again.  But lesson noted.  In particular, the lesson that I can stop after a couple of bites (all or nothing is not healthy).

I'm still dealing with some stressors.  Stressors I'm responsible for (and that aren't REAL problems), but they are running in the background.

Money - we are bleeding out.  Taxes, college, 2 rents, Christmas, travel, me not working, hubby's company not selling.  It's planned spending, but unusual for us.  Come January, the spending will go down considerably.  It's not as though we don't have the money, but it still hurts.  We are conservative with our spending and this feels "wrong" on some level.  We allocated a big spend for this hiatus, but there are lots of times it's stressing me out.

Another family visit this weekend.  Family.  Need I say more!

Planning our travel trips.  I don't know why this is stressing me out.  It feels a bit overwhelming.  So many plans, so much to figure out.  It was a huge relief to get Italy sorted out.  The trips are coming one after another ... I'm not used to it.  (I know ... what a "problem" to have ...)

The current state of our county.  The hate is strong folks.  It's everywhere ... social media, news, nail salon, etc.  I'm trying to tune it out, find the good instead ... but hate is loud and ugly ... and it's coming from people I consider friends (at least casual friends).

Going back to work is lingering now.  When should I look?  Where should I look?  Stress of interviews and starting a new job.  Did I forget everything?  I'm letting the worry in too much.

So that's my crazy brain stress laid out.  Maybe writing it down will help me let-it-go!

Almost time to try out a run.  My ankle feels good in this moment ... if running is out ... tabata it is!  The massage did wonders for my sore muscles.  I'm going to schedule another on for December.  Later gators!

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Hello again.

I thought I'd check in for a nighttime "hello."

Kept my promise - all healthy today.  Spent time at 3 grocery stores and a few hours in the kitchen.  Refrigerator (and eventually freezer) are filling up again.  Crockpot chili prepped for tomorrow (8 hours to cook - couldn't get it in today).  Feels good to be healthy.

Massage was out-of-this-world good.  I really needed a long rub down.  I'll use her again soon.

Italy is coming together nicely.  We have the overall plan in place and working on all the fun details.

Tomorrow is a run day (hope the ankle holds out) and shopping with a friend.  I have the week mapped out - it's busy, but lots of HAPPY sprinkled throughout.

Tonight is Sister Wives premiere (one of my guilty pleasures).  I'll probably watch it tomorrow.

Okay dokey that's the check-in.  See you in the morning!

For crying-out-loud already!!!

Last night was another snack-filled extravaganza ... ouch!  I guess there were some treats left after all.

Not today.  No "organic" decisions.  Big girl panties firmly in place.  IT WILL BE A HEALTHY DAY.

I know part of the problem is I'm out of yummy food choices.  Rectifying that today.  Shopping list done.  Making the grocery store rounds.

Okay - so there's the confession.  Now the good news.  I started work on the office re-organization.  Tackled the huge closet that stores EVERYTHING.  Trash is over flowing, Good Will drop done and it looks great.  I have the file cabinet left for this week.

I reviewed My Happiness Project folder yesterday.  It reminded me of how many fun things I still want to do.  I've been cruising along, but the list is longer than I thought lol.  But, again, it's not a to-do list - rather a suggestion list.  Lots of good ideas for January when I hit a travel slow-down.

After shopping and cooking, I'm hitting the Italy travel guide so we can finalize the hotels for our trip in May.  I'm so excited!!

This week is a mix of work and fun.  Getting ready for my trip to Philly this weekend and getting the file project off my list.  Also, it's a maintenance week for the old body - dentist, nails, hair and eyebrows.  Wow, I'll be spit-shined cleaned and pressed.  Oh and a massage today.  I need it a lot.  It's with someone new-to-me ... I hope we click.  And, finally, some catch up with friends - shopping, lunch and happy hour.  Family time makes for some good conversations with friends- ha!

I need to find a new recipe too.  Last week was a W30 cranberry sauce - so much better than the sugar one (it's made with apples too - brilliant).  I need to find something simple - I'm all cooked out and I have a busy week.  Guess I need to do that BEFORE I go to the grocery store.

Okay folks.  Off to make this a HAPPY day and my intention for the day is HEALTHY (massage, breathing, meditation, healthy foods, sleep ... you get the idea).  By tomorrow, I'll be back to feeling great and will thank my "today" self.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Well ... I spoke too soon.

True confession time ...

Yesterday evening got all comfortable, watched a movie from MHP with the family and ate a "dinner" of wine, cheese and apple pie ... big oops.  I enjoyed it, but this morning I know it wasn't worth it.  Lesson 3,500,000 on record. (Apple pie was worth it ... the rest ... nope.)

Good news is all the "treats" are gone ... just the healthy left.  Today will be a good day.

Boys head back to school today too.  It's been a great week and I'll miss them lots, but they'll be home in a few weeks.

Yesterday afternoon I planned to just get a little started on my picture project.  I ended up organizing the bins (and cleaning the storage room ahead of eldest moving home), finding the pictures I needed, ordering the new ones.  I only ordered a couple of picture frames ... I need to see how everything looks.  Project well under way and almost done.

The next project is the file cabinet.  It's time for a purge.  This week or next.

Today is a special workout class ... boot camp ... ugh, but good.  Rest of the day is getting life back to normal.  Sheets, starting Christmas decorating, etc.  A regular day sounds nice.

P.S.  Hike yesterday was awesome.  Run ... couldn't do it.  My ankle wonked out immediately ... had to do the elliptical.  It's done that a few times.  I don't mess with it.  Once I ran through it and ended up in a boot.  It corrects itself ... feels fine this morning.  Go figure.  I was disappointed.  It was the perfect running morning.

I'm up early to sent off my eldest.  Making the perfect turkey and bacon sandwich to start HIS day lol.  The bakon smells fantastic!! Later gators.

Friday, November 25, 2016


Best turkey on record for this family.  Thanks "The Kitchen" for the new dry brine method ... worked like a charm.  The rest of the table was delicious too.  I stuck to the plan ... drank, ate hardily, enjoyed ONE serving of dessert and called it a night (a super early night ... that full belly zapped me down!).  Everything passed my "worth it" standard (even this morning).

This year I enjoyed cooking help from my eldest - nice to have some company in the kitchen.  And lots of clean up help from the rest.  My back is happy lol!

The plan is still going strong.  Thanksgiving is now over and I return to regularly scheduled eating.  Thankfully, turkey counts.  If I make this happen, the plan is complete - rocking and rolling this holiday.

I'm up early to run outside today.  Cleaning ladies this morning at 0745 (ugh, but nice to have a clean house).  We'll make ourselves scarce and hike our favorite dog trail.  I feel okay this morning ... just a bit of an unsettled stomach (wonder why?!?).

This weekend is a mix of getting stuff done and some fun.  I have a massage scheduled - yea - can't wait.  We'll see the kids off as they head back to school for their finals.  Then bring up the Christmas decorations.  Time to get started since December is such a busy month.  And (believe it or not) I need to do a cook-up on some food - the freezer is bare.  Healthy takes effort, but it's worth it.

Next on the agenda is a trip to Philadelphia for my mom's actual birthday next weekend.  My brother and sister (with families) will be there too.  It will be interesting.  Got to love families.

This next week I'm going to start some of the other projects I want to get done.  I'll think it over and decide the lucky project to go first lol.

I'll say it again, these few months have been busy - really busy.  Lots of fun, lots of HAPPY, some stress but overall - FABULOUS.  I'm finding a rhythm and a balance that makes my life feel good to me.  Yesterday was a national day to take note of grateful and thankful ... and I am.

Okay, the run is calling my name.  It's been weeks since I've run outside (sustained cardio) ... I wonder how it will feel ... I've missed it.  Brining on the HAPPY.  Later gators!

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

It's smells like Thanksgiving!

Everything is prepped, cooked and baked for today (except dinner - bummer).  I'm pooped, but it's been a successful day.

Here's the scoop ...

We got our pictures back already and they are FABULOUS!!  We all look happy and our best versions of ourselves.  Even those picky kids are thrilled - shocking, I know!

Christmas photo in the "cart" waiting for hubby to proofread and I'm ahead of schedule on what is usually the craziest thing to get off my list.

Spent the last hour catching up with a great friend.  Makes me thankful and grateful - it's a good feeling.

I'm very excited for tomorrow.  I love Thanksgiving and I think I got enough done that I will be still standing by the time the meal starts.  Lordy, it smells good in here.

Time to put my feet up (until dinner) and relax.  I've earned it.  I need to be a bit careful - relaxing can equal eating.  I don't want to spoil tomorrow by overdoing today (for no good reason).  Working that plan of mine.  So far, so good.

Thanksgiving Eve

Bring on the cooking (for the next two days).  It's a mixed bag of joyfully creating and back-aching working.  It's still one of my favorite family times.

Speaking of which ... pictures went well.  I chose not to wear my glasses - might have been a mistake - we'll see.  Quick, painless (once we got over the drive) and the dog was a master model (I'd expect nothing less from my perfect pup lol).  We cleaned up good :-)

Handled the "red zone" like a champ last night.  I'm a little kind-of-not-feeling-great and that helped me to stay the course.  I think November has been a go, go, go month with lots of stress.  It might be catching up to me.  I'm working hard to stay well.  Today is a rest day from working out - rest is good.  Working out is a form of physical stress so the rest day is timely.

Once the dreaded apple pies are finished today, I can relax into the rest of the cooking.  The pies are first on my list - get 'em done!

I'm still a bit moody this morning.  I had to take a breath and remind myself to be HAPPY and thankful and grateful and all those good things.  I think my mood is just "tired" disguised as a grumpy old lady.  I need to add that meditation time to my days.

I'm also feeling the weight of to-do lists ... for Thanksgiving and for December.  I need to take it one thing at a time and not get overwhelmed.  Again, overwhelmed is coming from being tired.  I need to prioritize some ME time next week.  I need some "down" to balance the "up."

Okay folks ... drinking my drinks and getting it done ... and remembering to feel the HAPPY (most important goal of the day).

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Say "cheese"

Picture day!  Still not sure what to wear, but the boys are all washed, ironed and ready with ME approved clothes (most of the work lol).  I want to wear a new blouse I got from Stitch Fix, but it might be too cold ... might have to check out a sweater back-up.

Yesterday was another fun day.  Run went well (getting started is most of the battle), grocery shopping was actually quick (no crowds in the morning) and last minute decision to see a movie with the eldest (HAPPY, fun Harry Potter sister movie ... I forget the title lol).  I made a big family dinner to round out the day.  Only issue of the day was a stiff neck.  It's been bugging me a little and moved to a lot yesterday.  I had to take some Advil during the night.

Today's workout is a combo tabata and weightlifting.  I have it written out ... I'm looking forward to it today (yea).  If it bothers my neck, I'll change it up.

Today is also a cooking-free day.  Left-overs and quick naan "pizza" for dinner.  Since tomorrow is the BIG kitchen day (oh those apple pies), the break will feel nice today.

Eating is good.  *TMI ALERT*  I'm ovulating now ... it's become like a mini PMS ... a bit moody, cravings, headache.  Kind of a bummer to have 2 issues each month, but I it could be worse ... I shouldn't complain.  I mention it because tonight is a "red zone" moment and combined with my current situation ... watch out!  Being aware helps.  *TMI OVER*

I'm also down on sleep this week.  Hubby has been snoring like a mad-man.  I was awoken so, so many times last night.  Not good.  We might need a plan for tonight.  I need a good night's sleep.  It's adding to my mood lol (but probably not "lol" ... more like "WTF").

A bit of an "oops" is the picture location (at the photographer's house) ended up being much further than I thought.  My aunt uses her so I figured it was close to her, but it's actually a big drive from her house continuing away from us.  We chose not to tell the kids.  And who knows what traffic will bring.  Fingers crossed.  (And the dog is coming.)  A nice family memory in the making :-) (See what I mean about a "red zone" tonight!)

Okay, time to begin.  I hope we get a least a few good pictures out of this event (and by that, I mean I hope I look good lol.)  And a big bonus would be if they are ready in time for the Christmas card.  This was some work ... a big line item on My Happiness Project ... so I need to remember to roll with the crazy today and find the HAPPY.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Grocery store madness.

Today is my official grocery store run for Thanksgiving ... all the "fresh" items.  I already bought the pantry stuff to keep things to a normal cart run lol.  It will be crowded and crazy, but I'm ready.

Today's workout is up-in-the-air.  I think I will run intervals.  I'm actually not very motivated to do anything today (which is weird).  I feel fine, just not inspired.  But (as we all know) inspiration is not needed to workout.  This week is a do-what-I-feel-like workout schedule.  I thought the variety and freedom would be fun - didn't expect to NOT want to workout lol.

Tomorrow is picture day!!  I have no idea what to wear (actually, I have some idea).  I'll have to figure that out today.  I have options, but need to try on some stuff before I decide.  We've never had a formal family picture shoot - it's about time!

Yesterday was fun.  We ended up shopping at the Gap after the game (eldest needed jeans) and it was 50% off with my Gap card.  Win!!  I found a baby blue cashmere sweater - love it!  And I got a couple more bra-let bras - the only ones that fit me now.

Speaking on that subject, where do my boobs go when I eat W30 - they are gone.  I look absolutely flat chested - I mean NOTHING.  I ordered a Jockey fitted bra today - I have their size kit.  The smallest is still too big, but it should give me a little shape - hopefully.  Ugh.  I don't mind little boobies (actually better to me than big ones) but this is a bit much.

I'm doing well on my eating plan for this week.  Picture day is keeping me solidly on track.  Tuesday night will be a "red zone" moment when pictures are done.  I need to be aware and remember my plan.  I want to have the plan for this week because it will allow me to enjoy Thanksgiving with no regrets.  The truth is I don't need to have alcohol and sweets to enjoy myself - but in those evening moments I feel like I do.  Thanksgiving will be a fun splurge - focusing more on "want" than "need."  But Thanksgiving is one meal, not one week.

My biggest "want" for these few months (and the holidays) is to enjoy myself and still be healthy.  I want this to be the first January that I don't rush to "diet" away my holiday sins.  I'm well on my way to that goal.  Props to me - I'm proud of my work so far.

Okay folks ... drinks are finished.  Time to eat an egg and get to that workout.  Later gators.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Full house.

My eldest's flight was delayed, so I haven't seen him yet, but everyone is tucked nicely into bed sleeping this morning.

Fun day planned today.  Steelers game with friends (youngest is working - bummer) and family time. I worked hard yesterday on more prep for the week - trying to take the pressure off of Thursday.  I don't like coming to the table with a tired back and feeling overdone.

I'm going to join hubby in January for a W30-ish month ... for moral support ... aka do all the cooking lol!  He wants to drop a few and feel better.  He has a ski trip the first week, but then we'll do it together.  Not a "real" W30 ... just a focus on the macros.

We tried to plan our family vacation club trip yesterday.  Struck out on every simple idea we had ... so we tried for a big one and got lucky.  Hawaii it is (sans kids) ... in MARCH!!!  Wow that's coming up.  And Italy in May.  And Canada in August.  And California in December.  What a fun year of travel ahead!!  I love that man.  I love our marriage.  (Even though he snores ALL NIGHT LONG!!).

My Happiness Project is going full steam ahead.  All the more reason to work hard in January and February to get my "work" list done - play time around the corner.

Okay folks.  Off to keep the HAPPY going ... and make rice crispies for the game lol.  Later gators.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Thought for (EVERY) today.

How you do anything is how you do everything.

Thanksgiving week begins!

Boys are coming home tonight - Thanksgiving break has officially begun in our house!

I like to "spoil" the kids with lots of cooking and caring over Thanksgiving.  They are working so hard and looking down the barrel of finals in a couple of weeks.  It feels good to have some TLC and R&R at home.

I'm up a bit early to take the Saturday lifting class.  I'm still have some muscle fatigue - rest day will feel great tomorrow - but I want to get another lift in this week.  Intervals went well yesterday.  I managed to do the full workout.  Workouts this week will be just a maintain-the-progress thing - mix of home runs, tabata and some light lifting.  No class until next Saturday.

I feel good about my eating this week.  Passed on pizza and goodies yesterday without a blink.  I need to keep that going.  Thanksgiving is a whatever-I-want-night ... that should be the extent of the splurges this week .... fingers crossed.

I had some thoughts yesterday about MHP.  I'm focusing a lot on what I "need" in a moment ... from food to exercise to everything.  I'm not as focused on what I "want" and what I "have to" do.  (Of course, sometimes those are the focus, but not as much as it used to be.)  This is giving me a kinder, gentler day with less need to "feel better" with food, etc.  I already feel well and happy.

I place a lot of demands on my day, on myself ... things that are relatively arbitrary in the scheme of things (i.e. I have to walk the dog in the morning, not later.  I have to bake banana bread since some bananas over-ripened, etc, etc, etc.)  It's okay to let some things go.  (Okay, Dr. Sun might be right ... maybe not about the knee pain ... but that I need to let stuff go.)  Maybe I'm actually taking care of myself a little more.  It feels good.

I said yesterday, I have some projects to getting working on in December (maybe not finished ... it's another packed month).  January will begin some of the "work" items on my list.

Clear through file cabinets (lots of shredding!).
Update resume.
Review nursing notes.
Find and DO Rosetta Stone.

October, November and December ... lots of fun, lots of play ... but I'm ready to get to doing some work too.

Off to the gun show lol.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Friday (I can't think of a title lol)

Opting out of tabata this morning.  I'm really tired and sore in my upper body from some great workouts.  I signed up for lifting tomorrow (which changes up my schedule for next week - no big deal).  Today is a treadmill interval workout - just as much as I feel like doing - not pushing the envelope today.  Keeping it cardio today and out of my upper body.

I'm really liking the lifting.  So much so, I'm thinking about changing up my routine again to add more lifting.  Who I am?!?!  I like the 2 days a week.  The class fills fast so I have to be diligent about signing up.  I have little baby muscles in my arms now - whoop whoop lol!

Thanksgiving planning is going well.  Moving through my lists.  Today is more grocery shopping (I'm living at a grocery store this week) and some cooking.  I'm making a couple of "me" things and baking ahead of the week to take some of the pressure off.

Once Thanksgiving week is in the books, I need to get going on some projects.

Planning our trip to Italy.
Going through our pictures and memorabilia.
Re-stocking pillows, towels and bedding (it's time to do some replacing).
Reading War and Peace.

Busy and fun time of year.  How did I ever fit in working lol?

My declared intention for yesterday went well.  During our meditation in yoga, she focused on "letting go" ... hmmmm message repeating.  Today's intention TBD once I do my mini-meditation after running.

I'm looking forward to a run this morning - it's been a week since my last one.  Later gators.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Basking in the peaceful silence.

I LOVE my morning routine.  I love sitting in the quiet, all alone, at my computer, with just my thoughts and my 3 drinks (and my dog lol).  It's peaceful and yet still purposeful.  It starts my day with a firm first step.  It's so nice to have it back.

Went to see Dr. Sun yesterday.  Interesting (per usual).  He tends to knock me off kilter when I go ... almost to the point of initially upsetting me.  According to Dr. Sun, my knee pain (which might initially have been a physical injury) is now lingering from emotional energy (anger, dread, bad memories).  He did acupuncture to help sever that bond.  He says I need to "give it up," "surrender" "let it go."  Meditation being the answer.  I'll take his advise and give it a try.  P.S. My knee feels great this morning.

Today is a double at the studio.  I'm a little hesitant to do both classes with my back, but I'll keep it easy for the yoga.  I miss that class and I won't be able to go at all next week.  BTW - I can finally feel some muscle in my left arm ... bring on the gun show lol.

Groomer and grocery stores round out the day.  I cooked up some W30 meatballs yesterday.  I decided I need to cook my stuff first or it might get lost in the shuffle.  Tonight is just me again.  Maybe TV, maybe reading, maybe cooking ... I love that it's whatever I want.  I need this time alone to regroup.

I'm reading a good book on spiritual health (can't remember the name - kindle reading does that!).  I finished a chapter on INTENTION.  That's a repeating message in my life now - one I need to keep hearing.  I started focusing on intention and then the stress pushed that practice out of my mind.  Back to INTENTION today.

I will declare an INTENTION for my workout, INTENTION for my day.  I'll start with the meditation (Dr. Sun) to help me figure it out.  Maybe today's intention will be finding PEACE within myself ... letting the stress go, letting the tension go.

Okay folks.  It's that time again.  See you later.