Wednesday, December 28, 2016

A Wave of Relief

Why you ask?

Lice Scare 2016 appears to be over.  We passed the time mark - lice free.  Pillows and blankets are out of the black bags and life is looking back to normal.

And this:
The refrigerator has been cleared of all unhealthy goodies, treats and otherwise.  Unfortunately, a lot of it cleared through my mouth, but it's over.  Gluttony 2016 is a wrap.  What's left is normal life.  No big plans for NYE - no need to indulge.  I'll make some healthy, fun foods and call it a night (probably well in advance of mid-night).  Girlfriends weekend will involve some wine, but I know it will be under control. I MADE IT!!  Pants fitting, a bit ruff-n-tumbled ... but that was one hell of a social streak.

Yesterday (between eating) I managed a lift workout.  I have NEVER been less in the mood to workout.  Painfully difficult (with a full belly, etc).  Won't be doing that again (anytime soon).

I woke up yesterday "wanting" to stuff my face.  This morning I woke up "wanting" my healthy life back.  That's a good switch.  I'll probably have some struggles this afternoon since I ate a lot of sweets the last few days ... but the good news is in a day or two that will be over (or at least very manageable).

I need to take down Christmas decorations.  What a pain.  I think I'll start tomorrow and then finish Friday.  I'd like to have them down and done by NYE.  I won't start today (just in case there are any little lice still lurking ... don't want to stir the pot).  And I'm void of good energy (I did it to myself).  Today is a workout rest day - thank God for small favors.

I will admit, my skin hurts today.  I'm that bloated.  Really.  I expected I'd have a blow out day when all the social finished.  And I did.  And it's over.  Praise be to all that is good lol!

The agenda today is up for grabs.  I'll get some house chores going and see where that leads.  It's all about eating healthy today.  Period.  I will not be having a post-of-shame tomorrow.  That I promise to myself.  Okay folks - off to return to routine.  RELIEF.

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