All done. I plowed through the entire decorating yesterday. I started early and took breaks to do other things so it wasn't too tiring. And I didn't put out everything this year. The trees have fewer ornaments, no nativity set-up and some other things trimmed from the list. It's all good. The house looks nice and it took some pressure off me. I also cleaned out the decorations and gave 2 boxes to the GoodWill.
I realized that adding my eldest's graduation to the mix of December was causing a pile-up of all things holiday. I needed to give myself a break. And I really am busy all month, so I wanted to get this off my list. I also mailed the Christmas cards. Oh joy ... it's now beginning to look a lot like Christmas lol.
I have my cookie list to make next week (I might start some things this week if I have time ... and feel I can resist the dough!!). The more I prep, the more I enjoy the holidays.
I am a bit behind on the shopping list. I need to get some fillers for the boys. It might just be in the way of gift cards - which they like anyway. I like to have at least one "fun" gift to get them. Maybe they are just too old now ... this year I'm plumb out of ideas.
Today is a shopping day with a girlfriend. (All boutiques, nothing for the men in my life.) I need one girlfriend gift so I'll look for that today.
I miss my morning hot coffee. Just tea this last week as I whiten. It's going really well. Some mild to moderate sensitivity but nothing I can't tolerate. I have 7 more applications if all continues to go well. I'm staying away from red wine and hot coffee until I'm finished. My teeth look so much better. I feel relieved!! I can have my coffee and wine AND my white teeth too lol. My hubby is going to give them a go ... he's shocked how much whiter my teeth look.
Yesterday's lift was great. It's not until noon and I did so much before, I almost forgot to go. For as much as I "craved" cardio yesterday, I have no desire today. I'm only doing a quick interval run and a bit of abs. Just to get some sweat going. I still feel like I'm fighting something so I'm not going to push too much.
My food choices have been good the last couple of days. But I think I'm eating too much at dinner ... eating past what I need ... not wanting to stop eating. I'm going to work on changing that today.
Okay folks. Heading for my run, remembering my HAPPY and making this a joyful day.
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