Friday, December 30, 2016

Well, hello again.

So here's the regular stuff.

I went to the movies yesterday with my eldest.  Passengers.  Good movie.  We thought it was an action, bad-guy movie, but it was a rom-com.  Even so, we both enjoyed.

Today is Starwars with the whole family.  I heard it's good.  The newer movies have felt long to me, but still enjoyable.  I'm expecting the same.

We are really getting into The Man in the High Castle.  Such a good show.  Fun to watch with the family.

Lift was good yesterday (nice to be back to feeling normal).  Tabata today.  It's been a few weeks - looking forward to it.  I added a 3rd lift day (officially) to my January schedule.  I want to see what that shift accomplishes.  Lately, running has been giving my knee some grief (could also be related to eating sugar - that seems to bother it too).  Should be interesting.

Our instructor is offering a nutrition evaluation for a month (for free).  We'd use the MyFitnessPal app and link to her.  I'm on the fence.  On one hand, it's a good opportunity to hear her opinion of my nutrition as it relates to my fitness.  On the other hand, logging is a pain-in-the-butt.  What makes W30 (and that style of eating) so wonderful is there is no measuring, logging, counting, etc.  And it works.  I'm not sure I want to change what works.  I know I never want to be a measurer, counter, etc again (for the long-term).  I want to find what works for me in the LONG GAME.  It's just enticing to have her evaluate and possible find a small thing that would make a big difference.  Still thinking on this one.  I have a couple of weeks to decide.

I still haven't started un-decorating.  I wanted everything down by NYE, but I have nothing to do on NY Day.  Boys will be football watching ... might make sense to wait until Sunday.  Idle hands make for munchie thoughts. I need something to do that day.

Okay, that's it for now.  We're all caught up.  Finding my ZEN and my HAPPY today.  Later gators.

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