Thursday, December 29, 2016

2016 in Review

(I've been saving this one - 3 points to review for 2016 - from my yoga studio)

One thing you did you are proud of this year.

I had the courage to leave my job and start working to find a better "normal" in my life.  I don't like to leave a job because I don't like to start a job.  But this felt important.  I'm a big, old work-in-progress but I see the progress.  My husband was a big supporter (and actually pusher) to take this time.  I'm glad I did.

One mistake you made and the lesson you learned.

I think an ongoing mistake I made over the last few years is that being HAPPY should occur naturally (for me).  I didn't believe it was a state you should work toward.  HAPPY should be the default.  And that's why I didn't feel it (enough).  The lesson is that MY default isn't HAPPY and it requires effort to find and keep it.

One story you're willing to let go of before 2017.

This one is hard.  But the story I WANT to let go of is this.  I'm told I do well at work, that I'm a good nurse, etc.  I never feel that - I feel like it's a mistake.  Rose-colored glasses.  Somehow I got the job out of desperation ... I'm not actually qualified.  It's an ongoing insecurity (part of the reason I hate looking for a job).  I want to let go of that insecurity and that story I tell myself.  Here's hoping.

Thanks for the review Yoga Studio!

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