Sunday, December 11, 2016

The Day After

Fun night last night.  I ate and drank ... moderately-ish.  I feel just fine this morning, but I'm glad to have the "treats" finished.  No monthly friend yet .. still moody, etc.  I want to eat to feel my best today.  (Of course, this is MORNING ME talking ... I hope EVENING ME is just as resolved lol!)

My youngest came home a few days early (unexpectedly).  He's sick with a cold and wanted to be home to study in peace with some TLC.  Happy to have him home ... wish he didn't bring along the germs.  I feel destined to get sick this week.  So many people hacking last night.  UGH!

We have our Steelers gathering today.  I have a big to-do list and now that I need to take care of my youngest (aka feed him), I wish we took a pass on it.  It will be fun, but I have to get going on a bunch of things.  I'd send my hubby alone, but her husband is out of town.  That would be awkward.

My mood is scary this morning.  I wanted to sleep in since it was a late night last night ... hubby woke me up and then promptly fell back to sleep.  What a bum lol (my mood used different language).  I'm having a hate-all-things morning.

Tomorrow is the start of baking.  I plan to make 3 cookies if the baking gods are with me - fingers crossed.

Please, please, please do not get sick!!  I don't have time to slow down these next two weeks.  That's why I'm bummed to not have today to get started with stuff ... I have a feeling I'm going to need it.  Maybe it's my mood being doomy and gloomy.

I feel like working out like I feel like a hole in the head.  But I will.  I'll see how I it goes and I won't push too hard today.  My energy gets zapped ahead of my monthly buddy.  I wish we had time for our Sunday hike.  I'd enjoy it today, but I think it's just too tight to fit in this morning.

Okay, enough of my bitch-and-moan session.  Tomorrow's post will be more holy-jolly (hopefully).

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