Thursday, December 8, 2016


I miss it.  A part of my morning routine has (temporarily) changed and I'm bummed.  It's a self-inflicted change as I read coffee and red wine can irritate the teeth while whitening.  It also seems counterproductive to add stain while taking it off ... two steps forward, one back type of thing.  I don't know if it even makes a difference.  Six more days.  I may or may not continue with these restrictions, but for today, I will.

Anyway, yesterday was a great day.  I ended up doing a full workout - it felt good.  Shopping was fun and I got some things off my list.  Lunch was spot-on and delicious.  Afterwards, I did some more errands ... got a number of things off my list.  Again, the more prepared I am, the more I will enjoy everything.

Today's list is long, but if I get it done it will go a long way to help me get everything ready.  I've enjoyed the process and my HAPPY comes from getting things off my list.  I was not in the mood to decorate the house, but now that's it's done, I'm enjoying it.  Organization is key.

Today is a lift day.  I wasn't sore until yesterday afternoon.  My back and shoulders are stiff.  Whenever we put the bar behind the neck, I feel the burn lol.  I image as I get stronger, that will go away.  My legs are tired (not sore) but they will be put through the ringer today.  I like Thursdays ... the class is in the morning - so much better.

I still feel like I have a mild cold (or bad allergies).  I need to take a dose of cold medicine to get to sleep.  My sinuses pound when I lay down.  The mornings feel yucky too, but I can work through it without taking anything.

I have my next week and a half planned out (with some mixes of fun).  I'll enjoy each day since I don't feel overwhelmed.  My HAPPY should be nice and strong over the holidays ... but it takes work to make it happen.  A big "take" from MHP is that HAPPY is a kind of forward energy, not passive.  It takes work, effort, planning, reminding, correcting (at least for ME).

I still haven't made progress on War and Peace, but I want to make that happen.  I'm almost finished with my downloaded book and I need to make a plan.  I just don't know what the plan should look like ...  mandatory reading time ... no new books ... start now ... start in January.  I am toying with the idea of making it my New Year's resolution. I like it because it takes the pressure off December.  I want to enjoy the process, not dread it.  I'll keep thinking on it.

Even though December is a packed month, I'm still doing some new Happiness Project items.  Sneaking them in here and there.  I'll tell you about them later :-)  This post has gone long lol.  Off to start my day.  Later gators.

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