Tuesday, November 29, 2016


We haven't seen rain in over 2 months - drought city.  Today and tomorrow are steady, down pouring rain.  Boy, we need it.  I didn't miss wet-dog smell though.

Today's plans are a bit up-in-the-air.  I have lifting at noon.  I don't love that Tuesdays are a later class - kind of messes up my day.  I'm doing it now, but I might switch it up in January.  Saturday is an early lift class (which works well) but I'm traveling a lot in December and would miss too many classes.  Then I could lift Thursday and Saturday ... something to think about.

My choices for today ...
manicure (I planned for tomorrow, but my nails are really long ... thanks collagen)
clean out file cabinet (not sure if my back will like that after lifting)
shop at Target (I need cleaning stuff, but it's pouring out)

I will do the last of the sheets for the week ... something I dread doing ... who knows why.

Jury is out on the decision.  I probably need to do the sheets and file cabinet.  Just get it over with.  Then I don't need to do my hair or makeup today.  I just feel not-in-the-mood for either ... but getting it done will be a good thing.

A rainy day at home is sometimes a really relaxing, nesting kind of day.  But it can also be an eat-all-day kind of day.  I need to be careful.  I feel great this morning - don't want to go back.  I need to start my Christmas cookie baking since December is a busy month, but I don't trust myself right now with a refrigerator full of dough and a freezer full of cookies.  Knowing myself is a good thing.

Okay, file cabinet and sheets it is (I talked myself into it).  It really is the perfect rainy day activity.

I got a pedicure yesterday with the final amount from my gift certificate.  Red - it's Christmas time - gotta do it.  I'm happy with the shade - some reds are just too red.  Shopping was fun too.  I got a few gifts off my list - perfect.

Refrigerator is full of healthy food.  Yea me!  My new recipe this week (I'll make it for dinner tonight) is coconut, almond green beans.  Sounds easy and delicious.  You cook the green beans in coconut milk, spices and add toasted almonds at the end.  I love green beans - so this is right up my alley.

Okay, time to get to doing those darn sheets.  There must be something HAPPY in washing sheets lol.

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