I feel so much better this morning. Back to my old (new) self.
When I was waiting for the massage yesterday, it was apparent how much nicer it is to find my HAPPY in something other than stuffing my face. Tony Robbins calls this a Class 1 Experience (feels good and is good for me). The HAPPY burn lasts long after the experience is over AND there are no regrets worming their way into my brain.
I'm not overjoyed I had 2 nights of mindless feeding (with regrets), but it does help solidify how my new way of eating (and living) makes me feel so much better (physically, emotionally, mentally). I also want to cut myself a bit of a break. These last 3 weeks were busy, stressful, packed with activity ... so 2 days ... not the end of the world. Each time I "go off," I like it a lot less. It actually was unenjoyable to even eat the food (passed the first couple of bites). So why did I keep eating?? Ugly habits reared up again. But lesson noted. In particular, the lesson that I can stop after a couple of bites (all or nothing is not healthy).
I'm still dealing with some stressors. Stressors I'm responsible for (and that aren't REAL problems), but they are running in the background.
Money - we are bleeding out. Taxes, college, 2 rents, Christmas, travel, me not working, hubby's company not selling. It's planned spending, but unusual for us. Come January, the spending will go down considerably. It's not as though we don't have the money, but it still hurts. We are conservative with our spending and this feels "wrong" on some level. We allocated a big spend for this hiatus, but there are lots of times it's stressing me out.
Another family visit this weekend. Family. Need I say more!
Planning our travel trips. I don't know why this is stressing me out. It feels a bit overwhelming. So many plans, so much to figure out. It was a huge relief to get Italy sorted out. The trips are coming one after another ... I'm not used to it. (I know ... what a "problem" to have ...)
The current state of our county. The hate is strong folks. It's everywhere ... social media, news, nail salon, etc. I'm trying to tune it out, find the good instead ... but hate is loud and ugly ... and it's coming from people I consider friends (at least casual friends).
Going back to work is lingering now. When should I look? Where should I look? Stress of interviews and starting a new job. Did I forget everything? I'm letting the worry in too much.
So that's my crazy brain stress laid out. Maybe writing it down will help me let-it-go!
Almost time to try out a run. My ankle feels good in this moment ... if running is out ... tabata it is! The massage did wonders for my sore muscles. I'm going to schedule another on for December. Later gators!
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