Monday morning. Hello, hour change -- bedtime and wakeup wonky by, you guessed it, ONE HOUR. Spring Forward and I are not good friends.
Anyway. A Course in Miracles did not disappoint yesterday. I'm growing fond of this group and the discussions. I'm glad I went. Got another book recommendation. It's a woo woo one so if that's not your thing -- this is NOT for you. E-Sqaured (Pam Grout). She's a student of A Course in Miracles, funny and has practical practice advice (aka woo woo stuff). I'm only a couple of chapters in and not to the "good" stuff yet. Stay tuned.
I chatted with a friend about being prepared for the virus. My motto -- don't be dumb (saying to myself). Keep stocked, not hoarding, but prepared. Limit exposure. Wash hands diligently. Try, try, try to NOT touch your face (this is the hardest one). She and her husband disagree. I don't understand the resistance to basic preparation and simple hand washing and she was looking for validation -- yep, I agree.
On the note of limiting exposure, I'm declining a pampered chef party in the neighborhood. 40 or so women gathered and squished at a table, on a sofa, etc. Nope. Our neighborhood is filled with empty nesters which equals travelers. Decidedly NOT worth any exposure.
Same with some of the neighborhood gatherings. Hubby declined the men's dinner night. Missing a few things that aren't important feels right to us. We are going out with friends, shopping, socializing, domestic flying ... but limiting big groups in close spaces, wiping down airplane seats (we always do this), keeping clear from sick people.
The only thing I wonder if I'm overreacting to is not having a friend over to the house this week to watch a movie. Her husband has been traveling to the outbreak spots in California and sitting in large meetings. He's usually Typhoid Mary when he travels -- gets the flu, stomach bug, etc. I'm going to lunch with her instead so my house doesn't get touched. This is probably an over-precaution, but I'm going with it. She's worried about his exposure. You're contagious before your sick. BTW, I didn't say this to her ... just asked her to lunch instead.
Duke and I are taking a walk with friends around our neighborhood. Her pup has just recovered from a dog fight so staying close. This works for me and "Perry" -- don't want to use a port-a-potty on a hike. Then ERRANDS galore. I'm still getting things for the wedding, shower and gifts (BIL and friend). Trying to get it done JUST IN CASE. I have a friend in Rome and one in Seattle (my Italy trip gal pals). Both are in hotspots and reporting that it's best to STAY HOME aside from walks in nature, etc.
According to CURRENT weather reports, today is the last day of sunshine for the foreseeable 10 day forecast. Lordy. Doing the bulk of my scattered errands today so I'm not driving in the pouring rain too much this week. So many errands that I'm making a list so I can be organized. All small things I need from different places over the area. I want to be efficient -- hah.
Best get going. It's almost walk time thanks to waking up late. I guess I need an alarm this week to get me back on track. Later gators.
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