Saturday, March 14, 2020

Hello, Weekend.

Hubby got home last night with instructions from me.

Take off shoes.
Go to laundry room.
Wash hands.
Strip clothes into washing machine.
Wash hands.
Sleep in spare bedroom.

A little bit of precaution at home.  My first job was infectious disease.  That was my exact routine coming in from the garage after my shift.  I worked second shift and kids were itty bitty (so naked from the washer to the bathroom wasn't a risk - lol).

BTW -- in another MUCH YOUNGER time, those instructions might have looked a bit more fun ... come home, strip, shower and come to bed.  Hah!

I ordered a puzzle yesterday.  Who am I?!?!  I haven't done a puzzle in decades and I've been craving doing one lately.  No better time than now, I suppose.  It comes next week.

E2 (Squared) experiment #2 a success.  Saw 3 feathers yesterday.  The next experiment requires wire hangers and I don't have any right now (only have them if I have a fresh dry cleaner run).  I'll skip that one for now and read #4 tonight.  Stay tuned ...

My DIL asked me to come with her for her wedding dress fitting tomorrow.  Absolutely!  Even in this isolation mode -- glad to go along and keep some excitement happening for her (plus it's a small one-woman shop).  The kids are holding their heads high, but I know this is hard AND I'm so stinking proud of them.  This is from Brene Brown.

Remember I mentioned I MIGHT be overreacting by not having a friend over to the house who had exposure risk?  She has a husband and daughter who travel for work and 2 college students.  Yesterday, her daughter started with sore throat and high temperature.  I'm glad I made that decision.  Nothing to do with her, everything to do with risk.

There seems to be odd thinking among some people.  If you know someone, it's okay to see them.  They are acting like stranger-danger is the litmus test for social distancing.  Yes, large crowds of strangers are a no-no, but so are crowds of people you know.

I have a friend who packed her family up, took a road trip to a family funeral of an elderly uncle who's been incapacitated in a nursing home for 2 years.  Not saying you shouldn't go, but kids and husband too??  They posted group pictures on FB with the entire family (about 30 people -- many elderly) squished together, touching, hugging.  They feel safe because they know each other.  Meanwhile, she and her husband are working from home, school is closed, she canceled a weekend away for a party.  But a funeral is okay to get close, touch, etc. because it's a funeral?!?  Germs don't care.  You can go and support, but STILL follow some basic principles.

Anyway.  I could lecture forever on this one.  P.S.  Tomorrow's outing with my DIL will follow ALL the protocols.  Hand washing, no face touching, clean hand/dirty hand, sanitizing car and everything else when I get home.  Also, no hugging.  She's a nurse.  She has exposure.  Neither of us are dumb.

Since life is essentially canceled until further notice, I might take another foster.  Something to make me feel happy, useful.  I'm actively looking for a dog to adopt.  Nothing yet.  I can't rush the process, but I want to ... I want a cuddle dog, playmate for Duke, all the things.

Stay well.  We're going to be okay and lessons from this are going to be big and worthy and important.  Later gators.

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