Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Is it Time?

Let's talk hormones -- AGAIN.

I think THIS might be part of my mood (and sweats and cravings).  Not knowing when things will happen is a bit of a nuisance, but I'm at the month mark so this might be THAT.  Hmmmmm.  Makes sense.

I have my hair appointments set until the wedding.  8 appointments in 3 months -- holy cow.  I'm breaking up some of the stuff because I can't have roots for the wedding OR fresh keratin for an up-do.  3 practice rounds for the updos.  And 2 appointments for the wedding events (rehearsal dinner and wedding).

I found a few "special" days for my updo trials.  One is my son's birthday (we might go out to dinner that night).  Another is the Eckhart Tolle event (I can test if my hair will hold for the night).  And I randomly chose a Friday because MAYBE I can make dinner plans :)

My vintage earrings came and have to be returned.  2 of the stones fell out in transport.  I have no way of fixing it.  The seller was nice about it and there's no problem doing the return.

Today is a boring-ish day.  Up early (even though I wanted to sleep in -- more signs of PMS) because the cleaning crew is coming first thing.  Rain all day.  A few errands in the afternoon and that's it.  I don't feel super energetic and I think that's monthly related.

My hairdresser gave me a couple of book recommendations.  She loves personal growth stuff and recommended Brendon Buchard's -- Life's Golden Ticket.  It's a little parable story -- she said she's read it multiple times.   She also got hooked on a Christian author who writes feel-good fiction with a personal growth slant.  James L. Rubart.  I downloaded the most popular one -- Rooms.  I need some feel-good reading.  I put down A Tale for the Time Being (Ruth Ozek).  I might try it again, but it was boring to me after about a quarter of the way through.  I stopped wanting to read at night, but it gets great reviews.

Best get at it this morning.  Problem that's not a problem, but cleaning crew is coming an hour earlier.  Hard to get in a workout and shower before they get here.  Have a great day -- later gators.

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