Saturday, March 21, 2020

PUPPY (!!)

Lord help me now.  This puppy is ADORABLE and NEVER STOPS MOVING!!   What, in the name of everything, was I thinking ... he's young, but he's small.  What could be hard about that?

First, he can already get on the sofa which means climb from there.  Second, he can get under EVERYTHING.  Third, he's fearless.  Forth, I'm old.

Prepare your heart ...

He's a PLAYER!
MEs won!!
Never. Ever. Stops. Moving.

There is no doubt that he's sweet as pie, the question is ... is he our dog?  Hubby says YES (which is shocking to me).  Duke and I aren't sure.

I saw Mimi yesterday to take her on trial.  I LOVE her so much.  She's the dog I want ... fingers crossed, it's going well so far.

Can you tell her mama is an artist?
What a good picture!

Update on E2 experiment -- no Jen Hatmaker.  Dang.  Here's the thing ... every experiment, the idea pops into my head.  This didn't -- I ignored the idea and decided to "push" for something EXTRA.  I'm going to try it again tomorrow with something that "comes" to me.  I can't use the original idea because I initiated the contact already.  I think these things "work" because it's already happening and you tap into what the universe already knows is coming (using intuition).  That's my theory ... I'll let you know if Jen finally "hears" me LOL.

Yesterday was a long emotional day.  Mimi time makes me sad (and worried).  Puppy is fun (but is he my special dog -- maybe not, and that makes me feel low).  Lots of people in our neighborhood and rescue NOT practicing social distancing by a long shot and that upset me.  A "friend" neighbor Facebook posted about loving Trump and Democrats wanting to ruin the world and if you don't like it unfriend me.  I BLOCKED her.  Good f*#cking Bye.  Upsetting.  Setting boundaries isn't easy.

Because we had puppy for the first night, I wasn't able to get time to process so I ATE those feelings. Dang.  Not horrible, but I broke into the reserve cheese and had cheese and wine for dinner.  I feel less than good this morning.  Lesson heard (again).

P.S.  "Puppy" because we aren't set on a name.  Baxter is his foster name.  Tater Tot (Tate) is our planned name.  Tacho when he's being spicy -- haha.  But thinking about Jumping Bean (Bean) because he hops instead of walks and trying to pick him up is like trying to catch a jumping bean.

Speaking of puppy -- got to get back to him.  He loves hubby already -- chooses him for everything.  I want MY dog.  Boo hoo.  Puppy won't even go up for adoption because the vet wants to adopt him too.  Not worried he won't have a wonderful home.  Stay tuned ...

Be well.  Later gators.

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