Friday, March 13, 2020

Part of the SOLUTION

My son canceled his April bachelor party in Miami.  My DIL canceled her Ohio shower.  I expect to cancel the smaller shower too.

I'm immensely proud of my kids.  They are grown up, RESPONSIBLE, considerate, caring members of society.  I give credit where credit is due (even if it seems bias).  Seeing how some adults are acting, seeing how my adult children are acting ... well, no comparison.  They are being part of a SOLUTION, even at a great disappointment to themselves.  Way to represent the next generation.  You can tell a measure of a person during times like these -- it's eye opening.

School districts are closed, universities are closed, everything is canceled.  Unity and A Course in Miracles are closed too.

Hubby flies home today and will keep a distance from me as much as possible.  I didn't like the idea of him going to Montana and he regrets it now.  Five days of him staying put -- it's the socially responsible thing to do.

We are officially in ISOLATION.  Only trips to the grocery store when needed and a couple of random errands (like taking Mimi to meet a family).  I'm organizing and taking stock of the freezers today.  We are in good shape as long as stores remain stocked in weeks to come.

STILL rain for the foreseeable 10 day forecast.  This isn't helping.  Getting out in nature, hiking, etc helps with the loneliness and isolation.  Goodness.

I had a good call with Holly yesterday.  She helped me with a family situation.  We also talked a bunch of feel-good woo woo stuff.  Update on yesterday's experiment ... saw MANY yellow cars.  Yep, look for something and you see it.  Today will be a challenge since I'm not expecting to be out and about.  I need to "notice" a feather.  This is a challenge for the universe today since I'm staying home and it is pouring rain -- "A" game needed.

I picked up the engraved cake knife yesterday.  I'm glad I got it done early, but now I wonder if their wedding date will change.  My heart for these kids ... and everyone who is experiencing extra hard times.  It's a global hardship and this is the time to notice people who need help, share the dang toilet paper and be kind.  The world needed a reminder and this is it in spades.  I hope we show up well.

On a very different note, I watched Instant Family on Prime.  It was sweet and funny.  I'm looking for more distractions in the days to come.

I saw a quote that said ... "Bad news: a lot can change in 30 days.  Good news: a lot can change in 30 days."  We'll be okay and be better for this experience once we work in community to be the solution.  Stay well.  Later gators.

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