It's good to be back to my normal routine.
Yesterday was a strange day. It started with no workout - Duke was puking all morning so no run with him. My hamstring was bugging and that's a sign to NOT run (it's a reoccurring overuse injury so I know how to handle it). I didn't do arm day because I'm going to boxing this morning. I looked at the week ahead and a rest day fit.
After deciding to rest (which I don't do often as a same day decision), it was all downhill from there. I cooked all day, watched football, watched TV. I didn't over eat BUT .... drumroll ... NOT ONE vegetable passed my lips. Good lord - not even a green drink. What does this mean?? Junk food!! Cheese, tater-tots, guacamole, chips. I feel it today in the worst way.
AND ...
Say HELLO PMS. It should come today or tomorrow. It BETTER come today or tomorrow. I think the pattern of crappy PMS is a lead up to menopause. It's totally magnifying my crappy feeling - mentally and physically.
Anyway, back to my point ... I'm grateful for MONDAY. A brand new day. A chance to do and feel better. Routine. Workout, meditation, affirmations.
Yesterday was another bonk on the head ... junk in, junk out. The good news is I'm actually WANTING to clean myself up today. I LOVE feeling great and I'm getting less and less tolerant of treating my body like shit.
In other news, I'm doing much better with the head stuff. Example ... eldest's girlfriend is on-call for Christmas. They blew us off last year for Christmas at the 11th hour with a promise to do Christmas with us this year. I knew she'd be on-call though. So we are watching their dogs for 6 days over Thanksgiving when they go to her family and we are getting a partial Christmas. But I'm okay with it. I'm accepting it and even turning it around to something positive. This is PROGRESS to the hundredth degree for ME.
I mentioned I'm having trouble saying "yes" again. That default setting to CERTAINTY, not VARIETY is strong for me. Super strong. I'm fighting the good fight and adding the YES to my calendar. I added 2 big things for next month (volunteering).
I also want to cancel my life this week. The calendar is full of YES things, but I want to hibernate. I think this is my PMS talking (hence the rush to get IT already!!). I won't cancel though. The calendar is staying full and I'm going to enjoy it, damn it!!! Hahahaha - see how evolved I am?!?!
I finished The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. It was SPECTACULAR!! I thought the second season had released too, but it's just the preview. All for the better. I need to stop sofa-sitting and get moving. It's so original, well acted, great music (which I don't often notice) and makes you feel good. You want to transport back to that time and wear those beautiful dresses (I watched sitting with a ripped t-shirt and sweatpants - no wonder they seemed so pretty).
The weather is cooling ever so slightly - and I mean slightly. Honestly, where is fall?!?! I'm ready for sweaters and crockpot foods and feeling chilly and ENJOYING being outside. The summer was manageable and I thought we dodged a bullet. THIS is the bullet though ... never-ending summer!!
My agenda today is boxing, lunch with a friend, craft store (more on this one later - it's a doozy) and rescue phone calls. Self-care ahead of boxing should help this mood. Happy Monday (and I mean it!!) - I need a restart this week. Later gators.
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