Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Happy Halloween!

My son came down in a football jersey and I asked if it was football day at work.  Oops - yep, Halloween.  Brain-before-coffee comment.

I took a Benadryl last night (2 actually) and FINALLY feel like I slept.  Life feels brighter  - picture me skipping through a field of flowers.  What does that mean??  Bitch fest is over (at least for today).

PHB call last night and I actually enjoyed it again.  We read our homework, but it was more conversational.  The HW was about WHY NOW for this health push.  Holly started off by reading something from Brooke Castillo about it NEVER being too late to start.  Before each class I open a Little Miracles card for some inspiration.  Last night's was spot on - thanks Gracie Allen.

My Accountability Partner for PHB invited me to a conference in June.  Women speakers, inspiration, motivation ... the usual stuff.  In the name of 'yes,' I'm going.  I was flattered that she asked me (she mentioned at one point, not wanting to meet PHB people in person - too strange with everything we share), but then asked me.  The keynote speaker is the author I'm not into that much (Girl, Wash Your Face -- Rachel Hollis).  I was on the fence, leaning to 'no,' but I remembered my lesson on being engaged, saying YES and stepping out of the box.  This is a big step.  I agree with Darcie that meeting in person is an entirely different animal and kind of nerve-racking, but CONNECTION.  (I was also having a hard time with YES because of low energy, etc ... couldn't muster the effort.)   We don't have the tickets yet, so who knows what's going to happen.  They go on sale Monday.

Didn't go to yoga yesterday because my old man was sick and I had to take him to the vet.  A 100 lb dog with uncontrollable diarrhea is an EMERGENCY hahahaha.  He's on the mend and I'm able to share some of his probiotics with Aspen so she had a better results this morning too.  Is it strange to set my INTENTION today for solid poops?!?!?

I was going to skip boxing this morning since I can't go for the next few weeks, but changed my mind.  I'm going (barring dog issues).  Doing what I can, TODAY.  I'll figure out the rest as it comes.

I have exercise restrictions for 3 weeks - 21 days.  I'm doing the 21 day meditation (timing is a little off, but close enough).  I also saw Gretchen Rubin had a 21 day program for changing a habit.  I ordered it from her website and I thought it was a little book (only a couple of dollars).  It's emails for 21 days - no book.  Oh well, I'm giving that a go too.  Looking for ways to have an excellent 21 day learning experience instead of a lousy 21 day experience.

And, as luck would have it, this week in PHB it's about upping your exercise.  OMG.  Seriously?  I messaged my coach.  There MUST be a lesson in this for me.  She modified my homework and asked me to find the lesson.  Ummm, that's what I asked first!!  JK - it's a good idea.

I seem to be in a rotten (and apparently, dramatic) little streak lately and it feels like so many steps backwards - back to the beginning.  What is helping me turn that around is making a list of what IS working.  Testing to see if "nothing's working" is true.  It's not true.  See a list in black & white has been helpful.

I thought of something to add to my Book of Life Experiences (still don't know what it's called - maybe I need to think of my own title).  Then promptly FORGOT it!!  I still can't remember what is was -- story of my life hahahaha!!!  It makes me laugh that I can't remember.  Maybe it wasn't worthy of the book after all.

UPDATE:  I went back to find the podcast to see what Gretchen calls this book - Personal Timeline.  She calls the finance/household piece - The Facts of Life.  I remembered that she mentioned a reader uses The Facts of Life name for her Personal Timeline.  I'm using the name, The Facts of Life -- much better.  It can be a 2-parter.  One is the personal book, the other is the important paperwork of the household. Problem solved (but now I'm singing The Facts of Life theme song).

Happy Halloween!  I plan to take some pictures tonight (we have to post on the PHB network as part of JOINING in the fun).  We have a pretty large bunch of peeps coming over, so it might be hard to remember.  Later gators!

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