Sunday, October 14, 2018

What did you say?

My poor hearing yesterday!

First, Oktoberfest was all day next to the stage - music so loud.  It was totally fantastic and the music was all fun German stuff, but LOUD!  We had a great time at the bar and the booth.  People watching galore.

Releash Atlanta name in "lights!"

Then dinner out at one of the loudest restaurants in our area.  The acoustics make sound echo - everyone comes out hearing a little less and hoarse from shouting.  But the food is great (fresh Mexican) and we ate on the patio because the weather was fantastic.

From there we walked to our local festival, Wire and Wood.  All songwriters - 6 stages, massive party.  We got amazing seats toward the front.  You guessed it - so loud I felt like I was underwater after we left.  I guess I'm old.  The musicians were good, but after about an hour we left.  The songs were their own and everything sort of sounded the same.

Excuse me while I put on my judge-hat.  Watching a bunch of older people (we were some of the youngest in the crowd) stand up and dance in front of the stage, acting the fool to music you know they don't listen to - EVER.  Not one of them could dance.  They were doing moves that were so unnatural and, honestly, a little creepy.  On one hand, good for them for having fun.  On the other hand, sit down old dude - you don't have it anymore LOL.

Remember Oprah saying that you can tell how a man is in bed by the way he dances??  Hahahaha.  It was some fun people watching here too.

This morning is brunch and fall flower arranging with a friend followed by football and dogs.  But before I go ... a little inspiration for Sunday :-)

Someone shared this on our PHB page - LOVE it!!
Later gators.

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