Tuesday, October 9, 2018

To-do List Monster

Well, I did it!  Tackled the UN-FUN part of my to-do list.  It was long and dreadful, but I could do the happy dance that it's finished!

I still have stuff on the list, but it's easy and kind of fun (polish my silver tray, decorate for Halloween/fall, go to Trader Joe's -- stuff like that).  And it's my list for the WEEK!!

My entire body HURTS this morning.  I desperately need a massage or a rest day, but a massage sounds so good right now.  I might call to see if she has anything on Friday.  I have yoga-meditation at noon.  I don't know why some boxing classes make me so sore.  I must hold tension when I hit the bag - or something.  Some of the sore is good sore, some is not good sore.  My neck is stiff and my lower back hurts - both the NOT GOOD kind.

We have weather happening for the next couple of days and I pray to the weather gods that this brings FALL.  The trees are swirling this morning and you can hear the wind in every direction.  I LOVE days like this - it's still humid, but the wind has a chill in it.  Makes me want to run to the kitchen and make pumpkin bread.

I started watching Jack Ryan on Amazon Prime.  The first episode was okay - watchable, not great though.  Sometimes that first episode has to explain so much, the character building feels rushed.  I also noticed Man in the High Castle 3rd season is out.  I really enjoyed the show, but it's so complicated and I forget a lot of the details.  I started watching, but couldn't pick it back up.  I think I need to review last season.  (Interesting problem with Netflix and Amazon - I love that the entire season is available, but when so much time goes by, it's a bit hard to follow when you are OLD!!!)

I'm still reading World Without End.  Still loving it.  Still wanting another book along side it though.  I'll force myself to wait one week before I start another book concurrently.  I have 800 pages left in WWE.  I need momentum under my belt with the book.  It's so much easier to follow if I'm reading regularly (another complicated cast of characters).

I have my eye appointment October 26.  I made it with total excitement and then spent the next hour freaking out.  The CHICKEN is strong.  We have a consultation before (with pictures of people) so nothing is a done deal.  I need to remember to take a BEFORE picture!

My latest PODCAST obsession is Quote of the Day - Sean Croxton.  Each one is under 15 minutes.  He takes excerpts from gurus with a short introduction (and explanation).  It's a quick shot of inspiration and it's introducing me to other people.  All of "my" peeps are on it ... Tony Robbins, Jim Rohn, Mel Robbins, Wayne Dyer, etc.  He gives you the link for the full video if you are so inspired.  I like it because it's a quick down-and-dirty.  I think he has another podcast too.  I'm going to look for it.

I've also been doing some guided meditations from Deepak Chopra.  The "class" I signed up for was a bust, but I like his meditations.  He gives you a focus and intention, then leaves you to meditate with a soft chime at the end (and sometimes a short ending).  Building my meditation endurance.  Having faith that somehow this works for me.

Our PHB call tonight is about our goals.  I used specific goals for PHB instead of my long term goals that I'm working on - it seems more appropriate.  I need to put some time into finishing my other goals so I can review them daily.  That's another theme among the guru population - VISUALIZATION.  Know the WHAT and the HOW will become clear.  That's a hard concept for me, but, again, faith that this works.

That is it from this stormy morning - dogs need to go out.  Later gators.

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